Hey everybody, look: I kbinned!
It was something about whether a reference was from one movie or another. I don’t really remember the specifics, but the food was good and I enjoy not having a dysfunctional family!
Yeah, that makes more sense
BMX maybe?
visible confusion
omg that’s not Selena Gomez, that’s Jenna Ortega lol
Nice try: It can’t be worse if I never get out of bed!
Fuck yeah, so comfy!
IDK, what about Mint?
Spent too much time hanging out with Yoshi.
Either an electrical problem that’s burning them out or shitty bulbs.
If you have a dimmer switch, you have to get dimmer compatible bulbs.
If you’re aware of it, you can’t be that dumb.
If I meditate hard enough I can levitate above the terlit so I remain untouched by the dookiesplash.
Enlightenment sure is bitchin!
The surprise is DEATH!
I’m not saying it’s aliens but…
…it’s aliens…
…with tiddies…
…space tiddies.