Scruffy from Futurama
Scruffy from Futurama
SUPER depends on the platform. If you own an iOS device and enroll it in MDM through the settings app, MDM ONLY has access to whatever it puts on the device
Wow whiteboy7thst now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a LONG time
Wow I really did not know there was a confederate flag on top of that car. That’s crazy
I don’t know which book you’re thinking of but this is touched on in the Castlevania show: https://youtu.be/ozID5sgofno?si=WmKK_FCgOcc08E4P
Isn’t signal open source though? I know being open source doesn’t magically make it interoperable with other services but even if Signal or Whisper systems sell out, someone could just fork the projects
How are biometrics fundamentally insecure?
I have literally never thought about it other than when these types of discussions come up. If I hadn’t been circumcised I would probably think about it the exact same amount
TIL being American is actually about conformity. Thanks Texas