Yeah this is reporting on the feedback from a focus group of like 20 people conducted by some Latino TV station… Not sure how representative that is of the wider electorate…
Yeah this is reporting on the feedback from a focus group of like 20 people conducted by some Latino TV station… Not sure how representative that is of the wider electorate…
Please tell me, scientifically, why you are so sure that people of faith are wrong?
Because they all offer competing and mutually exclusive hypotheses.
Christianity tells us that the one true path to salvation is by accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour.
Hinduism tells us that our next life will take place in this world, based on our actions in this life.
Islam tells us that Mohammed is the one true prophet.
Buddhism says that there are no prophets, enlightenment only comes from within.
They make contradictory claims, so by definition they can’t all be right, and they typically claim that they are correct and the other explanations are false, so even if one religion is correct, the rest (comprising of the majority of the faithful) must be wrong.
Google Messages definitely supports dual SIM, I have a physical SIM and an eSIM in my device and you can choose which one it sends from on a message by message basis
don’t come with a requirement that drivers watch the road
Seems it’s like every other Mercedes then
Fuck Google too
If you wanted to do something like this you could put the charger on one of those electrical plugs with a timer, or a smart plug that’s switched on when the battery reaches a certain threshold
Claudine Gay was right to resign, if the very top position at a university is occupied by someone with no academic integrity, then that will spread like an infection.
It’s more than just brushing and flossing, they grind off plaque etc. Preventative maintenance for teeth basically.
Churches are for-prophet though
Who among us has not had that urge
Things like “MP approves funding for new hospital” don’t make headlines. Even moreso for any world headlines to rise above the din of American politics it usually has to be something pretty outrageous.
Guava juice in a wine glass?
Check out Silverstone cases, they have a few that are understated, and make them in a variety of form factors if you wanted to do, say, a custom NAS, server or media center build.
Life’s pretty good here in Australia. No neighbours on the border causing problems, weather is generally good, lots of wide open empty nature to get out of the city, average salary is $93k and unemployment is low, crime is low. Inequality is a problem although our Gini coefficient has actually lowered recently. There’s a lot of life to enjoy, and really the endless stream of negativity is only experienced through the media, not in real life, so I switched off the TV and just focus on what’s going on around me, enjoying the people, places and activities that I like, and things feel quite positive.
Turn off the news, it’s bad for the psyche.
It’s a thing in Commonwealth countries. The origin is not really clear but these days it represents discount shopping and a big cricket match
Yeah mate, got Lidl balls for ur mouth lmao
We’re gonna need a bigger regex
Millions of Facebook users outnumbering previous users 100 to 1 will kill it. Oh, there’ll be more activity than ever, but it will be a sanitised corporate safe space for advertisers, where millions of normies argue about politics, with misinformation and ads sprinkled throughout.
Fair enough, but isn’t it reasonable to want the president of the United States to be someone who doesn’t fall apart after 9pm?