It was Roadkill Fucker Kennedy’s idea. He’s already in board with raw milk, after all.
It was Roadkill Fucker Kennedy’s idea. He’s already in board with raw milk, after all.
But no little tiny tusks? No trunk? Lame. Is it so wrong to want a tiny mammoth I can hold in one hand?
Yeah, we know, irony is dead. But if the world made sense then the Orange Idiot wouldn’t be in charge.
Man my mother had us take cod liver oil with the usual multivitamin as kids. It tasted kinda bad, but otherwise meh. You know what it wasn’t though? A substitute for fucking vaccines. I just wish they’d had the chicken pox vaccine back then. That shit sucked.
We know.
LOL no.
That’s because the Orange Jackass wants the government to use asshole-approved words, like “bitch,” “cripple,” and “decrepit.”
Just as soon as somebody buys the LA and and develops it into affordable homes. Because I’m sure as hell never gonna be rich enough to fix a stupid golf course into something useful.
No there’s really people that stupid. It’s tragic.
Well it’s a crime so if you wanna risk a trip to prison, good luck. I’ll be cheering for ya. From waaaaay over here though.
Except that it’s not the wild mustard plant. It’s the wild cabbage plant. Wild mustard is totally different genusv and species.
If ever there was an expert on sucking it’s Tomi Lahren.
Well it’s a good thing there’s no shortage of free replacements.
Define long form? Under an hour is about all I can take.
It turned out that gatekeepers were the only ones keeping the hoard of idiots and rubes off the Internet. RIP quality free content.
Now made with 100% bullshit.
What about his intellectual bankruptcy?
Better than feeding off the dead bodies of children, like Republicans do.