Burping is no issues.
And I’ve never really noticed being bloated when drinking. But that’s nothing I’ve really thought about either, I’ll pay attention to it next time but nothing I noticed the other day at least.
Burping is no issues.
And I’ve never really noticed being bloated when drinking. But that’s nothing I’ve really thought about either, I’ll pay attention to it next time but nothing I noticed the other day at least.
I have an interesting question regarding this. I drink occasionally but not to the point where I’m shitfaced, usually not feeling very drunk or not drunk at all and yet I still throw up.
I throw up multiple times a couple of times in a row and I have no idea why this happens. I wouldn’t believe it’s alcohol poisoning since it has happened at as low as 3 beers (regular strength, not any ridiculous IPA type beers).
I’m curious if any more educated people have any idea what this can be about. I’ve been trying to figure this shit out for years but have just mostly given up on drinking instead.
I whitelist tomatoanus in sponsorblock just to follow his ad-read lore. Thats peak advertising.
Windows Recall does NOT require NPU hardware to run. Currently Recall has been tested on Windows 11 with only a CPU and it seems to be fully operational. Of course performance is not as good as with an NPU. I believe Microsoft will try to push AI to local computing by only enabling on computers with NPUs to begin with. In the future it will most likely be able to be enabled on PCs which does not have an NPU but with a warning of bad performance in front of it.
Yep, port forwarding is gone. Never used it before but now that I actually need it it’s gone. In other areas I’d say Mullvad is number one for VPNs. Sweden based, great transparency, fair price model and no shady parent companies.
I fucking wish Through the Gorge actually became I real game, I am so sad it was just another Kickstarter scam.
For anyone who wants the origin:
This came from a Facebook meme page titled “Welcome to my meme page” with 330k likes which posted general memes and images in this format. A Kickstarter was launched by “Brother Abernathy” to make it into an actual game titled “Through the Gorge”. The creator claimed to have a team working on it and posted some updates on the Kickstarter page but the updates became more and more scarce over time. Eventually he stopped posting and left the Kickstarter page up with the fans wondering what was going on.
I don’t know about the specifics but went back in every now and then to check in on the progress.
The Kickstarter made $18,415 dollars with nothing being delivered to the backers.
Link to Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brotherabernathy/through-the-gorge
Link to the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/welcometomymemepage
Game trailer posted on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/welcometomymemepage/videos/432824310578799/
Felt good the day I told HR they didnt need to invest any more resources to “help” me. I was done and the boss clearly didnt care about having me around so I told them to fire me.
Yeah I’ve heard about this issue aswell, my friend has something similar going on