Ah, I always update the driver through the package manager and it never auto-updates.
Ah, I always update the driver through the package manager and it never auto-updates.
You don’t need to update NVIDIA drivers every time there’s a release. I don’t even do that on my Windows machine. Most driver updates are just tweaks for the latest game, not bug fixes or performance improvements.
And hell, you’re using Linux. Vim updates more often than the graphics driver, what do you expect?
Been running Wayland for 2 years and only issue I had with it was Synergy not working.
Never had an issue with Nvidia on Linux. Yes, you have to use proprietary drivers, but outside of that I’ve been running Linux with Nvidia cards for 20 years.
A storied history of systemic racism and violence. A lack of adequate training. A lack of accountability. A complete lack of repercussions that actually affect them - tax payers footing the bill for settlements instead of cop pension funds. A mob-like culture that protects abusive cops and uses fear to keep the rest in line.
Should I go on?
If you use approximately the same amount of material as in an aluminum can, you’re already at 3x the weight of an aluminum can. Stainless is also far less malleable and much more brittle than aluminum, so the minimum wall thickness is much higher for steel. Aluminum can walls are 0.11m thick, whereas the minimum wall thickness for stainless steel alloys is around 0.50mm thick. Meaning you’d need around 4.5 times as much material, making the stainless steel can weigh at least 10 times as much as the average 15 gram aluminum can. A 12-pack of soda would weigh 4.5 pounds more. Now imagine how much transporting that extra weight costs.
Stainless steel is great for reusable stuff, but it’d be impractical at the same scale as aluminum cans.
Yes, it is actually. You melt the aluminum and skim off any remaining plastic and contaminants from the top of the molten aluminum. It’s a standard, millenniums old process for any metal working.
Problem is the stainless steel you’d need to use in order to get the corrosion resistance and non-reactivity with the contents is prohibitively expensive. Cheap stainless steel alloys offer pretty poor corrosion resistance - see the CyberTruck rusting after being rained on a few times.
Easy solution: only buy drinks in aluminum cans or glass bottles. World is already drowning in microplastic pollution.
Bless your heart
Ok, so you were saying you prefer a privacy focused OS but settle for iOS because it’s simpler. Fair point.
As far as data collection goes, Google isn’t selling it either. Apple and Google are both collecting your data to assign you to certain demographics. They then sell ad space, and the people that purchase those ads can select the demographic they want it to go to. It’s not ideal, but it’s certainly better than them selling your actual personal data to third parties.
Right, because Apple doesn’t collect your data, even though it says they do right in the terms of service you agreed to without reading.
3x as much is “marginally better.” What world do you Apple zealots live in?
Why would you only use a privacy focused ROM and not stock Android, when you use a stock iPhone? Do you think that Apple doesn’t collect just as much data on you as Android does? It’s literally in the Apple terms of service. They’ve just conned you into believing their marketing BS.
The “I never thought they’d come for me” crowd appears to have fucked around and, subsequently, found out.
This is it. A lack of training for officers and a lack of infrastructure to support rehabilitation. The bill was set up for failure, as none of the above happened prior to the law going into effect. It’s like removing your physical fence before installing an invisible fence and wondering why your animals all ran away.
For universities, sure. But not for US public elementary and high schools. They’re just poor.
Likely, but DP is still superior to even the latest HDMI standards, so I’d choose it over HDMI whenever that’s an option.
The collective confusion and mental gymnastics to twist it when Republicans heard about the Hunter Biden conviction cost the US billions in lost productivity.