Super easy, barely an inconvenience.
I get that reference, but also I’d like to support the statement. I’ve sat on my couch for 2-3 days, frozen peas in my lap and just took it slow. A week later I could barely tell that anything changed.
Super easy, barely an inconvenience.
I get that reference, but also I’d like to support the statement. I’ve sat on my couch for 2-3 days, frozen peas in my lap and just took it slow. A week later I could barely tell that anything changed.
When he was finally done, he approached us and I said “Hi how are you?” with a smile.
There’s probably the problem. Don’t ask a german “how are you”, they will interpret it as the start of a conversation, not a greeting. You might either get weird looks or a detailled personal and medical history of that person. In food service, you get to the point. A “Excuse me” or “Can we order please” is a way better way to initiate an order.
Inside the motorcycle community, there are two polar opposites: ATGATT (All the gear, all the time), who always brace for the worst and wear the heaviest gear they can find and SQuIDs (Super quick, immediately dead) who go at full speed wearing shorts and sandals. Pick your side.
And her single word was voiced by Liz Taylor, if I recall correctly.
King’s Landing in the german dub/book. It’s somewhat okay, “Mund” as in “River mouth”, but it’s just one of a few jarring mismatches, some names translated, others untouched, with no sense or system.
Contains overdramatization and slight exaggerations
Cheapest flights possible to the cheapest “vacation” island possible. Vacation as in
Did I forget something?