Haha that’s so l337. Pwnd!
Haha that’s so l337. Pwnd!
Go play some Rhythm Heaven for me.
Ghost desk lamp with UV lights inside
Maybe the people on your Facebook are also AI/bots. It’s just one big circle of bots posted altered photos and responding to them.
You can buy a GBA motherboard now? I have a broken GBA which would be perfect for this. What LCD screen did you use?
Gabby’s Dollhouse does have some pretty good tunes that really stick in your head. They do re-use melodies too though. This has the same melody as the “Dollhouse Hotel” song.
I admit that it does remind me of something. Could be that it’s just written in a very catchy Disney-esque style. Like something I would have heard one afternoon on Disney Jr. channel.
Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton
Ok. What did you use to make that?
Billy Jean
My dad saw a picture of that scene and immediately said “He could cut that pipe he’s chained to.” “But what if the blade is dull?” I said. “That pipe is cast iron. All he’d have to do is score it really good and then crack it with handle of the saw, or kick it lose.”
Dad knowledge. It must be something we get when we become a dad.
Yes. It had a weird aspect ratio to begin with. It was 8:7 and then the CRT would stretch it just a tiny bit more to fit 4:3. I’d still rather have 4:3 than 16:9 or 8:7 just because that’s what I’m used to seeing.
Everything is political. We need to burn the system.
Well I don’t know if it was a typo or not, but it just happens to be a pretty funny coincidence that one of my favorite parody videos happens to be related. I won’t say anything else. I don’t want to spoil the ending.
Can confirm. Was recommended a company provided resource due to my struggle with anxiety, depression, etc at work. Was fired not long after.
Just as I started to get my shit together too. That was a kick in the balls.
I understood this, can I call myself a programmer now
Former FCC chairman and piece of shit, Ajit Pai used to have a cartoonishly large Reese’s mug. Could be an old picture and all of the text has been changed.