I haven’t tried Brave, but LibreTube is great for this
I haven’t tried Brave, but LibreTube is great for this
would you be okay if it were played on a livestream? or would it have to be a one-on-one sort of thing?
Consciousness Explained really opened my mind in ways I will always appreciate.
irrational fear over something unverifiable taken to a degree of violent extremism? sounds like a fit to me.
I’m now being accused of using alts to upvote my own comments, I just wanted to say thanks to all my alts out there for coming through for me, I appreciate you.
I imagine I’ll be in good company.
no one asked if you eat meat or not, sounds like you’re still happily supporting the industries propelling the next pandemic. if the cost of being on the right side of this issue is faux outrage from “people like you”, I welcome it happily without a second thought.
maybe someday you’ll get there.
obviously, the solution is to dismantle the industries that cause these conditions, but I imagine you already knew that.
yet another reason to be vegan.
I tried to scrub through too but had to stop because they are both just so awful
edit: it’s about 48 seconds in
though the article doesn’t embed a video, it does mention one.
this is the only one I could find, uploaded two days ago: https://youtu.be/ot_f5b6ucAQ?si=6IRxIDl6baE-l0QZ
maybe actively trapping people in a river full of razor wire wasn’t the best idea. this is the state of the republican party; and in a very real way, it always has been.
you are so right, setting up these conditions all over the planet is the only logical way to feed a population, I’ll try to be less hysterical.
people rally against supplements without even realizing they inject B12 into the cows, which is kind of insane.
just asking if you’d volunteer to stand in blood, shit, and mud all day slashing throats. you just seem to suggest such a “solution” so readily.
genuine question, would you have signed to help with that?
good on you, the dairy industry is both sickeningly cruel and unfathomably destructive.
and then everyone clapped