Dude’s just handing a lady some spaghetti, y’all. Does he really need to be “on” for that?
Dude’s just handing a lady some spaghetti, y’all. Does he really need to be “on” for that?
I dunno. If someone’s building a PC, they are most probably using it for more than just chrome-level stuff. And for me at least, if I’m going to spend the time and money on new components, I’m going to get the biggest and best that I can afford/justify. The higher end comments are going to fair much better as tech develops further along, and I consider them an investment into not going through the same process again in just a few years time.
Bobert is a dumbass, but this is so dumb. The crassness mixed with the refusal to utter a curse word makes it even worse.
Wth are you talking about? No other person or company is held to that “standard”. This is just circle jerking over “sticking it” to a corporation over the tiniest possible thing they could be punished for. It’s absurd.
You’re getting downvoted because anything that isn’t full-throated condemnation is being a “corporate apologist”, but is this really what we want to see corporations being held accountable for? That their chocolate shapes aren’t shaped “right”? They’re poisoning our planet and profiting off of slavery. This is the smallest of small things to be punishing them over and it’s being treated like some crowning achievement. They should 100% be litigated into oblivion, but this ain’t it. This is a joke and should be treated as such.
Fwiw, everything they posted was from the details left under the video by the creator.
Isn’t this why a lot of companies have essentially mandatory vacation for their accountants? Gives a baked in reason to have another set of eyes on the practices of the department.
I mean…recording it is a form of record keeping…
They would still control it more than they did in Netflix, so it’s still upside in their eyes.
along with the fact that that story took place on Bowie base, named after the man who played a goblin king who steals babies (!).
Now that is a coincidence. Neat.
Could be worth looking into Misophonia. Basically it’s an irrational anger response to specific noises that vary person to person. I don’t know enough about it to say how it can be dealt with, but it may be something you could find a specialist for.
shrug Seemed Doctor-y enough to me, but I can see where you’re coming from.
Those calves. Dang.
Hmm, maybe. She does seem to be aware of multiple dimensions (breaking the fourth wall at the end there).
Tbf, they called this out as it’s own technology. The witches had song technology, and these goblins have coincidence/“string” technology. Seems in the same spirit to me.
Also, Unit wouldn’t have been able to fix the timeline or save the babies with a laser.
(Home instance is having federation issues, so reposting some comments on this one. Apologies for dupes.)
I’m wondering the same thing! 4th wall breaking character? Interesting stuff! I wonder if she was the person that picked up the tooth in the last episode. Either way, I’ve got the feeling this isn’t the last time we’ll see her.
(Home instance is having federation issues, so reposting some comments on this account. Apologies for dupes.)
That was nice! Wasn’t a huge fan of the musical number, but it was fine. Feel like I’m still struggling to get a good feel for 15’s vibe, but it seems good overall. Ruby and her family are great. Mavity is still a thing and I wonder if “Coincidence” is going to be a theme with these two.
Also, that stinger! Some character that breaks the 4th wall? That’s new. Was it her hand at the end of the last episode? I’m going over the scenes with her in my head and just have more questions XD
I pitty the poor, volunteer admins facing clueless users dealing with downtime. “You said it’d only be an hour! WHAT’S GOING ON!?!?”
I wanted to say that’s not what ‘anti-hero’ means, but I kind of see where you’re coming from. In my mind, an anti-hero does terrible stuff to achieve good goals (Deadpool being a prime example), while John McClaine does do some pretty vicious things, but is more or less just trying to survive, not because he wants to do the terrible things.
Does nobody get that the original isn’t literally fine with burning alive? I’ve seen multiple “fixes” that are just needlessly spelling out the subtext.