Ahh! You’re right! I got them mixed up!
Coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.
Ahh! You’re right! I got them mixed up!
Coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.
deleted by creator
Why does the skeptic in me feel like they intentionally flew to a influencable location to be caught, tried, and found not guilty as a publicity stunt. Florida governor gets to pad a resume knowing darn well this is all smoke and mirrors.
Can’t wait till the next election when I ask my Republican friends why they’re still Republican. This isn’t what they wanted to happen either. Lots of pride when it comes to military families.
If we make it that long haha.
I just tilled my gardens for spring and dug up 2 avocado trees squirrels planted. I kept the other 2 I found last year and they’re about 6’ tall now. They grow like weeds here!
Could have been rich in 20 years.
Ha. This bed is getting really itchy. “Move to Canada” is becoming a common phrase around our household.
Donny Dumbass is really fucking up everything. Scam and collapse is the point.
Oh yeah? We’ll just build coal plants next to the border. Naa naaa.
/s … I hope. Shouldn’t give them ideas…
Who has the bingo cards for this one?
I’m split on this. On one hand, I don’t want to be tracked, but know I am anyways. On the other hand, bringing awareness to these problems is important.
One reason companies get away with horrible invasions or privacy is they limit those privileged to access it. Opening up a system to show how invasive it is could be a good thing. Big tech has become the juggernaut it is by operating in the shadows as much as possible.
The last bid I reviewed for a new office recommended Brother printers (woot) but the color laser had toner lock-in. I recommended an alternative and the owner agreed.
Too bad these companies won’t know about the products they don’t sell because of this crap.
Uh oh. My data archive project just took a jump up in priority. I have some of these drives I think.
How well is he playing his own hand?
He thought Ukraine started the war so he ain’t even looking at his cards. Just reaching into his diaper hoping for an Ace, but grabbing fistfuls of his own sloppy policies.
Interesting. I suppose it being an executive order does keep it to the executive branch. It’s late over here and the brain hurts.
Too bad there isn’t a law that requires the legislative brance to exercise powers of checks and balances. Maybe that’s something to note for America 2.0.
Ha! We both said the same thing.
First bump
Whatcha gonna do, judge? Ask again? Wait until deadlines pass? Delay has always been Trumpy Dumpty’s strategy to maximize harm. No conquences means nothing to lose.
But instead of poking a dictator who doesn’t GAF, how about holding congress Republicans accountable since, you know, they “control” finances. You start dragging them out in cuffs, I betcha it will get someone’s attention, fast!
This is called floorshadowing.
Every federal service facing cuts and mass layoffs should do this to raise awareness.
Ahh, this old chestnut again. Do we learn nothing from history?
Line up scapegoats. We all know the drill by now.
I thought this pope was generally regarded as nice, replacing the last post which was evil incarnate.
Even Catholics thought he was too progressive in some areas.
Watched as much as I could stand. Man, does he draaaaag on.
Mars had a DB breach, 2.7 billion accounts, only for IOT devices.
Conflicting data: phone app doesn’t collect user data, but lo and behold, data collected anyway. Possibly direct from IOT devices.
SSID/pass screenshotted but official response said that was on separate server not involved.
Meh, don’t trust IOT, guys. Keep that crap on a vlan or second wifi. Man, this vid was painful to watch.