Bandwagon looks cool, but do they have a feature to pay artists like bandcamp? Or even a “name your price (aka quasi free)”?
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Bandwagon looks cool, but do they have a feature to pay artists like bandcamp? Or even a “name your price (aka quasi free)”?
keeping the box up2date, and baikal itself. As said, if it’s reachable from the outside that should be mandatory unless you don’t care :)
I dunno the specifics of the chromebook or mrchromebook (i assume some linux?), but I’d take a wild guess with: YEAH. But when working it syncs nicely with e.g. thunderbird or any android-calendar (via davx5 foss) or basically any DAV-able app. If it’s just for at-home, then you don’t need much maintenance, if it shall be reachable from the outside, it should be a bit more hardened and maintained, obviously.
I’m running it on a “normal” server, which hosts many VMs. Baikal being one of them. But it would also run on any potato or a raspy. It’s not very demanding. Also was simple to set up.
It was a more common thing but too many people abused it so less and less offer it. Happened to me too. Lost many bucks.
But yes, seems like your utility-bills. Pay however in due time, but pay.
B2B it’s still very common though. Just B2C died a bit.
Solf-hosted Baikal. Works like a charm.
You buy something and the shop just sends you an invoice with your order that says “please pay X within Y days. Here are the possible ways…” And then you do. Usually via wire-transfer.
Epic is no “challenger”, it’s just another launcher, nobody would ever speak about if they weren’t gifting away games and sitting on top of their engine.
Steam, as dangerous as it might be, is not just a launcher. It became a hub and social media of gaming.
Haven’t seen invoice as an Option in smaller shops either.
Invoice is great, but here (Germany) it’s rarely an option in b2c. Some shops do if you spend A LOT or very frequent. if at all, for first-time customers.
German? Legal disclaimer says switzerland? Cool too though, didn’t know them, thanks for the tip!
In that theory we’d more be the cancer-cells rather than braincells 😏
It’s the one that stuck after trying them all for a long time.
“Planet of the money-crazy hairless apes that can’t relax”
Or “Klaus”…
As a German, I say thanks. Didn’t know them, sound interesting.
Yet, not totally made in Germany. But they actually list the origin of each item’s ingredients. Nice.
Nothing. Bad quality, Bad artist pay. The usual streaming shit. I prefer bandcamp and sync my mobile playlists with my vast MediaMonkey-Database at home.
Now I’m sure you’re just trolling and hence boring me.
Oh right, my bad. PETS (not animals per se) are “friends”. Cats 'n dogs love to have their balls cut off or uteri removed and thank you for your friendship to make that possible :-) If that works for you, who am I to judge the definition of friendship.
And then, if you happen to be desparate enough to watch the crap:
it’s a video of someone typing - blindfolded and with crippled hands - into notepad. For 20 minutes. Which could’ve been a 10s-read as text in the description. Maybe even in the title.
Since the dawn of gaming I always picked the more aesthetic choice, which mostly is the female choice. Never cared about the “u play woman? U gay!” Idiots…