My sleep paralysis demon was a black cat, and it stepped on my balls, causing astonishingly realistic pain
My sleep paralysis demon was a black cat, and it stepped on my balls, causing astonishingly realistic pain
The developers who made Big Rigs probably wouldn’t have the budget to make an AAA game nowadays. A better comparison would be indie games, and there’s more of them (or it feels like it) due to easier development & distribution. (Which does involve shovelware). Even excluding Indies, AA games without subscription models are plentiful too.
Edit: (AAA games are a better example of being worse, I haven’t played them but comparing Assasin’s Creed or Metal Gear back in the day to now is better to show the bad practices. Thankfully, like I said, there’s just a ton more games and you don’t need to play the crappy ones)
Did you play the original first? If you didn’t and you’re a first-time player, I can think of all the ways you could progress through the game, and the only player I can think of who’d be bothered is the type who immediately backtracks and uses it on every statue he saw, even after seeing important paths being blocked.
You don’t need to know where the branches are. These games expect you to explore the areas thoroughly, and there’s STILL multiple unmissable branches.
If you did play DS2, you already knew what the branches were, how they were limited early, and past Things Betwixt I can’t see you getting cockblocked unless you use the first branch you get on the tutorial. Which, already knowing they block major pathways too, is stupid.
There was nothing there besides an ogre (or were there two already?) and thus ladle in the original anyways, and now you at least get an Estus shard and Twinkling Titatnie. Usually when these games give you a reason to reexplore the tutorial it’s good, why is this instance bad?
No they don’t, Sotfs is debatably more open because you have more ways to get the first branch. Most of the statue shit is optional areas, and they give you more branches to compensate. For instance, they added a statue for Ruin Sentinels, but there’s also a branch near the bonfire coming from the forest, so it only matters if you come from the port. (Which I think may have a new branch of its own) Why CAN’T you go to the sewer and Heide in Sotfs? The Heide knights don’t fight until you beat the area.
I thought the enemy placement was the main complaint for Sotfs.
Edit: I just fact checked, and in the original you actually don’t get a branch until Lost Sinner, The Black Gulch or Harvest Valley. Sotfs lets you buy a branch in the forest and go to Shaded Woods far earlier, or allows you to get Straid without backtracking if you clear both the forest and the wharf (or just the wharf, as Ruin Sentinels are optional) or just one if you don’t want to go to Shaded Woods, via the buyable and Bastille branches, and you don’t even need to skip Sentinels. There’s a lot more routing you can do, I’d say.
“Proper, comfy warm bed”
The temperatures are rather consistent here in Poland actually, I only felt it was mildly warmer for a day or so, but besides that I’ve been wearing the same clothes and feeling fine. Autumn was way worse.
On the contrary, if they’re not too tight, they are a bit comfy for me. I heard Einstein was even proud of never wearing socks, but I think you people just have different foot vibes, I’m rather neutral about wearing them.
Even more importantly, it’s winter, it’s really fucking cold, and a blanket or two just isn’t enough, at least not when I get out of bed early the next day. Directly covering extra skin helps.
24 hrs since I put them on for sleep and keep them on for the next day
Much more round than 17 at least
Though I didn’t have many - GBA, Wii, 3DS, and now Steam Deck. The Deck is much better in a vacuum, but the 3DS just offers an experience you couldn’t get via emulation or ports. Even if it’s just the dual screen, it looks better as seperate physical screens than what emulators do on single display devices.
With the Deck, I just got it as an alternative to buying a new gaming laptop. Years from now, I’ll be able to replace my SD with another Steam, or even non-Steam handheld PC, but once I lose my 3DS and functioning second-hand ones run out too, that experience is gone, and even 3rd party emulation machines will probably lack features.
I didn’t understand the title before the pic loaded so here it is
Shit llepsretnuoc
…does tea count? Or sugar? Jerking off and video games are enough for me.
My only real problem now seems to be finding a relationship, so life’s great.
I also have zero interest in those drugs though. Coffee tasted bitter. Alcohol tastes bad, and when I got tipsy once I just felt mild inconvenience walking, I think. Smoking smells bad. Never saw weed with my own eyes. A friend had me try yerba mate telling me it’d give me a kick like coffee, especially if I never tried it, but I just didn’t feel anything special.
The Nintendo Direct I saw it in was particularly hilarious, because there were like 4 other farm/RPG games. Dunkey made a video about it even, though that might have been happening with other directs.
It’s a hell of coincidence that this is the second time I heard of this, the first being 2 days ago in a video game. Said video game is full of crackpot conspiracies though.
So you just explained why it’s actually a no.
Depends on what you define as comprehendible. Stalker and Yakuza as my “not AAA but does what I expect AAA games to do, since I play indies” came to my mind but they might not be comprehendible at times.
Same with fun, do visual novels count? Ghost Trick is the best story I played in recent years, but it’s a puzzle game.
I mean, there’s a ton of games I played with good story and gameplay over the years, but I don’t play AAA much.
I read that as “capable of dialing Snake”…
And yet some people would call that a Red flag…