if you’re interested in running local AI models, that market should be looking at the strix halo desktops. that was basically 80% of the marketing framework did for its framework desktop.
old profile: https://lemmy.ml/u/dudewitbow
if you’re interested in running local AI models, that market should be looking at the strix halo desktops. that was basically 80% of the marketing framework did for its framework desktop.
would you have prefered they paid more for bleeding edge 3gb gddr stacks and put 24gb when only a subset would actually need it?
how I see it is what one intends to use the software for. for ones self, and for commision work, the other options are perfectly fine (and imo encouraged). the sole reason why someone would use the adobe products is if theyre looking to work in a company already using the suite, or they already just happen to have the skillset already in it, and switching would change workflow.
anyone learning from the start imo should consider the other options first.
ill try to name things most people havent played.
I heavily recommend people to try Downhill Domination. think like snowboard kids or mario kart(specifically mount wario or dk mountain tracks) but on mountain bikes. Silly bike combat with soo many side paths for players to try to forge their own way on winning a race.
i mean kinda generalist there? are you using any piece of hardware that has an engineer as a ceo? (e.g nvidia, amd qualcomm all have ex engineers as CEOs)
gacha mechanics have existed before oblivion in many asian mmos
and i dont even say doom because of doom the game itself. theres one factor that doom has that almost all the others dont, which is how relevant doom was for creating a game engine, which would evolve into other game engines.
doom engine is basically responsible for quake, goldsrc, id tech, IW, source, all of which had many defining games.
the fact that games still being released till this day, has roots on an engine developed over 30 years ago
personally I think its Doom
you mean its not En Gee Nix?
is it possibly, yes. but if you have to ask yhat its possible, you likely dont have the skillset required to do it, and paying somone else is typically not cost effective
i actually think its not the worst priced framework product ironically. Prebuilt 1k pcs tend to be something like a high end cpu + 4060 desktop anyways, so specs wise, its relatively speaking, reasonable. take for example cyberpower pcs build here, which is of the few oems iirc Gamers Nexus thinks doesn’t charge as much of a SI tax on assembly. it’s acutally not incredibly far off performance wise. I’d argue its the most value Framework product per dollar ironically.
the model clearly was designed around to cut coat corners and imo, meant to partially replace their chromebook line. using the older 13th gen cpu, ontop of having features like a kensington lock makes it sound like its the cheap option for school leasing.
they already announced pricing for them.
1099 for the base ai max model with 32gb(?), 1999 for fully maxed with the top sku.
its used to mean a new product that you specifically have to keep track of. e. g if you found framework desktops in a store, it wouldnt all be sold under 1 sku. all 3 ram capacities would be 3 different bar codes
part of the work in designing a chip isnt just designing and attaching wires, but designing the fundamental instruction set and system architecture that goes along with the chip.
because since you have an architecture(think like x86, arm, powerpc, risc-v), developers can start to actually formulate instructions on what to do with said hardware., be it if it was deaigned for 8 qbit, or 1million down the line, the point is that theres a baseline now in which one can start formulating and try to execute said commands.
as CEO, even if you arent the one who made the executive decision to make the denials, they still have the power to change the internal policy. It’s a FAR well known issue that UHC denied a lot of coverage. He was outright complicit with it, and unlike most people, actually had the power to overturn the problem.
this is like saying donating to a guy who killed someone actively killing others is never uplifting news. Sure leave the school shooters alone
the problem is, they see the market like its a brand recognition situation, which pc gamers it isnt exactly that. PC gamers are very incentive based buyers and will opt for something else if the incentive is “worth it” for them. the problem is, most platforms are really terrible at generating this incentive for consumers. GOG does with drm. free content, and to a lesser extent, epic does it with free games and tight unreal integration.
I’ll give an example that wont happen because someone looking at the numbers wont let it happen. Amazon for example could easily develop a propietary media reader, and invest in a physical media printing line, and basically become the defacto publisher for physical pc releases if they wanted to, giving PC players a HUGE incentive on buying on their platform (enabling the buying, selling, and trading of used games on pc), and could easoly also be the platform that buy/sells used copies. we all just know they wont because they dont want any of the risk and cost associated on doing so.
qbits in general yes. with traditional computing, a state is either on (powered) or off(unpowered). the fundamental idea of quantum physics, but also quantum computing, is that there are other aspects of an electron that can be measured and changed. which direction it spins, its offset, what direction its poles are etc.
with more different “states” that an electron can be in that can be measured, you can get that many times more data, per electron.
so in laymans terms when comparing it to a lightbulb, at a given moment in time you not only care about if the light is off or on, but what color it is, what brightness it is, how hot it is, if its making a noise, what shape its making. fundamentally speaking, having more states means you can describe something faster since youre sending out more measurable data at once.
its usually because HR didnt interpret tequirements correctly. sometimes when it says 5 years on x language what was originally meant to be said is that you are a programmer that has programmed for at least 5 years (kinda mid level) and you have mid experience with said language, and not necessarily 5 years of said language.
so 5 years of java programming should actually say
5 years of programming/mid seniority programmer who is comfortable with java