wanna-be-edgy teenager who unironically wears Che Guevara t-shirts, mostly.
Also the kind that say anything western is the devil, and anything Russian and/or Chinese is the great saviour/perfection/whatever other bullshit.
wanna-be-edgy teenager who unironically wears Che Guevara t-shirts, mostly.
Also the kind that say anything western is the devil, and anything Russian and/or Chinese is the great saviour/perfection/whatever other bullshit.
I genuinely don’t understand why the admins are dragging ass and not just defederating from them already. They provide nothing of value, just spam and harassment.
Yeah, Tankies and the red army.
Fought nazi’s in WW2.
Became the nazi’s in 2020.
Thanks for the apt fucking comparison.
Yeah yeah, “I just sit at the table with nazi’s, it doesnt make me a nazi!”
The famous cry of the piece of shit that doesnt want people to know they are a piece of shit.
Tankie not realizing they are part of the new.
Death to Nazis, both new and old.
Some people in my family tried to teach me when I was young, but I didnt immediately and perfectly absorb the knowledge of how to master it from the atmosphere, so obviously I was just a piece of shit that was trying to ruin their transmission/car/life and cant appreciate a single fucking thing anyone does for me and that i’m an ungrateful piece of shit and to just get the fuck out of the car and never ask them for anything again (not that I asked them to teach me stick in the first place… They insisted, i suspected then, and continue to do so to this day, that it was just a trap.)
Which really helped my desire to drive, much less drive stick.
GN didnt destroy Linus.
GN just assembled everything into a easily digestable package.
It was Linus’s Ego that destroyed Linus.
There should be actual, legitimate, law enforcement involvement… Cause its literally theft at best, corporate espionage at worst.
Cant have the jocks get weak and start viewing the other students as people and cohorts.
Bullshit and lies.
No one loves me, and i deserve nothing, for I am trash.
Welp, tried to delete my account and fuck off from this place due to that knowledge, but apparently account deletion doesnt work. so I’m just fuckin off.
Thanks for the info, made the decision easier.