I’d be willing to bet humans also innately believe the earth is flat (in your day-to-day life it certainly doesn’t look like we’re on a spherical object hurling through space), but that doesn’t make it so.
hacker / leftist / shitposter
Mastodon: @drjenkem@mastodon.blugatch.tube
Matrix: @drjenkem:matrix.org
I’d be willing to bet humans also innately believe the earth is flat (in your day-to-day life it certainly doesn’t look like we’re on a spherical object hurling through space), but that doesn’t make it so.
Science is that and so much more. Any imbecile can question the curvature of the earth. But if they aren’t actually building a model, formulating a falsifiable hypothesis, testing that hypothesis with a reproducible experiment, and publishing their findings for peer review, then they’re not doing science. That is pseudo-science and you are just a member of a cult.
Fuck off with your antivax bullshit. Don’t you have some new anti science to peddle?
Not at all surprising to me. America is deeply reactionary. Made worse by the fact that our electoral system gives disproportionate representation to rural areas.
deleted by creator
Literally quoting you lol.
I’m old enough to remember “asl?”. Why do you ask about my age, looking for an easy way to dismiss me?
Out of curiosity, are you religious?
To shame someone is entirely different than to feel ashamed of yourself.
Is it? The end result is a feeling of shame. And that feeling of shame, doesn’t make people lose weight. I’ve now said it for the 4th time. But yeah, I’m the one that doesn’t understand words.
If you kick a dog, you should feel ashamed of yourself without someone shaming you. If you forgo a healthy weight or lifestyle in favor of overconsumption and ignorance, you should feel ashamed of yourself without someone shaming you.
I see, so it’s a moral failing of someone to be fat? Akin to kicking a dog? Wild take.
In the end, you’re right. I’m not interested in having this conversation. Because this isn’t a conversation about making people healthier, it’s a moral conversation. And I don’t think someone is immoral for having an eating disorder just as I don’t think someone is immoral for having cancer.
If you would like to discuss actionable, material ways to help people I’m all in. If you want to larp as a televangelist screeching about the evils of being fat, I’m out.
I’m frankly not even clear what the conversation is that you’re trying to have. You claim, “I’m not saying we should shame people” and then go on to once again declare that “if people feel ashamed they’ll lose weight”. So which is it, is shame helpful as a weightloss tool or not? Spoiler alert: it’s not.
To me it honestly seems like you accidentally triple downed on an objectively bad position and are trying to buzzword your way out of it with accusations of virtue signaling and trolling.
Just take the L and move on dude.
My dad introduced me to Napster and Weird Al.
Do I need to repeat myself for a 3rd time? Do you not realize that “ashamed” is the adjective form of “shame”?
If you’re ashamed for being overweight, that’s something that should motivate you to lose the weight.
You would think so, but you’d be wrong. As I said before, shaming not only doesn’t work but has the opposite effect.
As James Corden said:
If making fun of fat people made them lose weight, there’d be no fat kids in schools.
If you’re sincere in your desire to make people healthier, then shame is not the way.
If you’re only interested in a feeling of superiority, then carry on I guess.
Damn that’s sad to hear man.
I think I now understand why you believe women are only interested in extracting value out of you. It’s because that’s how you’ve been treated. And further, you’ve accepted this as a universal truth. And when entering new relationships yourself, you start with the question, what value can I extract from this other person? That’s probably why you don’t have any male friends, because you can’t extract any value from them. And you self-select for romantic relationships in the same way. You’re stuck in a cycle. If you remain set in your view that relationships are transactional, it’s hard to imagine you ever experiencing one that is not.
Do you have any platonic relationships? Like family or friends? Are these relationships transactional for you as well?
I don’t think most women are that cynical. Like do transactional relationships exist? Absolutely, but I don’t think that’s the majority of them and you probably don’t want that kind of relationship anyways.
In fact, in my experience, women are typically made uncomfortable when I try to insist on paying for the entire bill on a date.
I think for a lot of women, it’s as simple as, “am I comfortable and do I have fun when I’m hanging out with this guy?”.
But at the end of the day, women are not a monolith that all think and act the same. Just as men are not a monolith that all think and act the same. So it is unwise to assume all women want the same things out of a relationship.
I agree that we should strive for people to be healthy. But there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that shame not only is ineffective but can actually have the opposite effect.
Besides, I think you’re being pretty reductive. Health includes both physical and mental, we should take steps to improve both of these. And I get the sense that you specifically take issue with body positivity specifically around fat people, as I assume you don’t think being short or tall is unhealthy. In which case, you’re ignoring the economics of it (at least in America, there are a ton of government subsidies for corn, incentivizing businesses to load up our food with corn syrup).
The issue is complex and so would any solutions. At least in America, we need to deincentivize the production of unhealthy food, better access to healthcare, and cultural shifts as well. And I’m sure there’s a whole lot I’m missing.
While it would defeat most if not all audio DRM, this would result in a lossy capture, whether by line-in or Bluetooth.
Reading comprehension is hard my bad.
Edit: wait no, it’s “easy” I’m just dumb.
Most people would probably intuitively answer “no”, and most computer scientists agree, but this has still not been proven, so we actually don’t know.
I disagree, I think most computer scientists believe that P != NP, at least when it comes to classical computers. If we believed that P = NP, then why would we bother with encryption?
EDIT: nvm, I misread it.
Who said anything about religion? We’re talking about an imperialist, fascist ideology.
Speaking of ruining it for everyone… Paid Plex shares do exactly that for those of us using Plex for friends and family.