I like how you think they’d have to be a US company to donate
I like how you think they’d have to be a US company to donate
Those same ones who cry 2nd amendment are the ones who got taken.
Unfortunately, the ones who told these idiots that they were idiots are also the same people who want to “take away their guns” and aren’t generally the type to use the 2nd amendment as it was intended. :/
It’s because:
start of thing == dopamine
finish of thing != dopamine
We yearn for the brain juice and hop from hit to hit
Neurotypical people do not have this issue, I’m told
Could also be the switch Zelda games
So, while I agree on that part, the maintainer of snorblite is one step from getting shut down by the feds due to radical actions and an alleged affiliation to a known csa distribution network. As soon as he’s brought in for questioning, all data tied to his machines will be deleted and we’ll have to rely on forks of the library from previous versions with outdated dependencies.