The right to stay in a missles way? That’s anybody’s right I guess
28M CA🇺🇸 #Socialist-Dgger
The right to stay in a missles way? That’s anybody’s right I guess
If they want to stay in the missles way and be genocided I guess they can make that choice too.
I like the taste of coffee
Hope they can get asylum and help quickly.
“Language museum,” sounds like some shit Quebec would make
Edit: lol offended Quebecaggot.
Congrats Philippines
Brother, from one pirate to another, I think it would be more convenient to support your favorite podcast and they usually upload an ad free version for supporters.
No gay content? What is this, Nazi Germany 1984?
I think I understand what you mean lol.
Lately for me it’s been: Mass Effect legendary edition, Mount & Blade 2, Crusader Kings 3, Dishonored 1 and 2, and Hitman 3.