Hmm. Where have I seen that name before. Oh yeah, all over the hush money case. Crooked lawyer for Trump gets job as crooked lawyer for Trump.
"Apply directly to the forehead. "
Mama didn’t love him, now he’s a grumpy old man with grievances.
Love the effort to protect the dog’s privacy.
Good cop bad cop?
Interesting that all the propaganda and subversiveness is coming from the US, not China. Having the opposite of the desired effect.
Then why do they get all bent when WE film them?
Today I learned I’m unintentionally preparing for the Internet apocalypse.
And the entire world collectively whispers under their breath, “Good.”
Trump flips the board, pieces go everywhere and exclaims, “I win! I’m the best at Checkers!”
What a giant ass. He has nothing to offer at all. Just a fraud.