Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Portland, OR
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It kinda seems like the end of the Google era. What will we search Google for when the results are all crap? This is the death gasps of the internet I/we grew up with.
Last line should be
“And take what’s ours back”
Same. I’m looking at everything but Tesla. I just couldn’t live with myself…
Trump is now a stock.
A bit off topic but, here is the latest episode from the podcast Citations Needed. They talk about the Atlantic’s shitty politics. It made me not want to give them any views.
Oh yeah. I found this guy when I was first looking into this problem. This is a super great video. He gave me the idea that maybe I just need to use a grout sealer on the water acing portion of the tile and attempt to seal up where the water is entering.
Thanks. This sounds like an easy first step. I recently re-caulked where the pan meets the tile but not where the tile hits the glass frame. As someone else mentioned in this thread, I wonder if the water is finding a screw hole from the frame.
Yeah. When I mentioned resealing I meant I’d reseal the water facing portion of the shower with something like this 511 Impregnator Penetrating Sealer. I agree that I don’t want to seal up the water outlet.
100% of those people are deplorables
Yes! I was just thinking about this last night. I’m finally playing through the first one and I’m loving it. I’d sure like to slide into the sequel…
Beautiful shot. Thanks for sharing.
Nothing is going to happen. Congress will pass a shitty immigration bill. Abbott will claim a victory for Texas and the whole thing will blow over.
The interesting thing is that Trump is trying to prevent congress from acting because he wants to campaign on the immigration issue. If Biden is able to get something through it will look like a victory.
I agree. I’m holding out hope that this is well done because I love post-apocalyptic media. The visual style makes me think the show’s tone will be light/campy.
And they almost killed the Bolt.
Do you leave syncthing running on your phone all the time? How is this on your phone’s battery life?
Also, does obsidian do collaborative notes? Like, can I share and edit a note with someone else?
If we are going to do this capitalist market thing than we need competition.
Organic maps has turn by turn but does not route based on traffic.