I’m surprised nobody said wank yet.
I’m surprised nobody said wank yet.
237216938 logging off.
Nah, that can’t be right, I’m pretty sure it was them sweet sweet scritches. I asked, former wolf agrees.
As proven by the fact that dogs exist. I bet wolves were constantly itchy as well, but receiving those excellent scritches over millennia, they turned into the gentle doggos that we know today. And now I can have one of these 30kg predators in my house, trusting me with their life and sleeping on me occasionally and not mauling me with their sharp teeth, just because of the power of scritches.
This. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with zram on resource constrained VMs in an enterprise grade cluster.
Ken Shirrif’s Blog is incredibly great!
Astronomers renamed Uranus in 2620 to end that stupid joke once and for all.
That’s some proper fur, I love it!
My wife has gained roughly 60 kg since I meet her many years ago, which some might see as that kind of limitation, but you know, I don’t even see that when I look at her. She is smart as fuck, a great engineer, a wonderful mother, and just overall the better half of me. It’s just so easy to love her, and I would never even consider leaving her for looks. We all have our imperfections, but that’s not to say we’re not worthy of love. Oh yeah, I’m a terrible smart ass, overweight, impatient, not a great father, and I don’t communicate very well. Beats me what she sees in me.
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but for an understanding of the general directory structure in Linux, you might want to have a look at the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS 3.0). It defines which directories need to exist and what they are supposed to contain. Also, it’s a rather light read and not awfully technical.
If you want more of a deeper dive, you might want to get a book that can be used in preparation for an LPIC-1-certification, even if you never intend to take the actual test. I found that they do a really good job at teaching not just the user perspective of Linux (type this to do that), but also the reasoning behind why Linux works the way it does.
Oh absolutely. I got my first smartphone when I was 20 years or so, so you can imagine what hitting puberty was like.