Myne needs no special bloodline! Just near death merging of personalities and Ferdinand accidentally doing the magical equivalent of sex with minors.
Myne needs no special bloodline! Just near death merging of personalities and Ferdinand accidentally doing the magical equivalent of sex with minors.
I spent way too long thinking this was a shitpost ablut fucking up a tie knot.
I was called by my own phone number once. Nothing suspicious there.
I’ve been asked for tips when having carryout. And also getting a scoop of ice cream. Tipping is a relic of racist practices when southern people didn’t want to pay emancipated black workers a wage. It only still exists because restaurant owners lobby congress to keep it a thing. Stop bribing congress and pay your employees you fucks.
The correct term is “checkmate trap” the opponent knew that you would have no choice but to take the en passant, otherwise you would have “no balls”. Referees would require you to drop your pants afterwards and check for anal bead vibrators.
The people who would deny genders would totally deny all the crazy extra dimensions.
But would they let the Bard lay the dragon?
Classic Sonic
Weirdly this makes more sense as Tony than the above.
I would say activity is a huge encapsulating word that all sports, games, clubs, etc fall under.
Sport to me is an intensive competitive activity.
I would like to also say team based, but wrestling, track, and swimming would be absent from such a definition. Similarly, if you were to say outdoors most winter sports would be excluded.
With my definition you could argue for games like Chess to be intensive and competitive. I’m unsure. I think it changes depending on the level of play. At the end of the day, the only people who really care about exact definitions are those in administration deciding what activity gets what.
Make sure to find a good concrete block to put your review on afterwards
In the example he gave, he mentioned lungs expanding, so volume IS changing. Godzilla can shoot lasers in current lore. He could easily have some super compressed ballast tanks as organs that release pressure changing a whole slew of variables.
If Submarines have ballast tanks of 600 pounds of air at 3000 PSI, Godzilla can have his own magic organs that do crazy stuff.