It’s misdirection and makes any laws or regulations specifically mentioning the Gulf of Mexico no longer apply since “tHeRe iSnT a gULf oF mExIcO.”
It’s misdirection and makes any laws or regulations specifically mentioning the Gulf of Mexico no longer apply since “tHeRe iSnT a gULf oF mExIcO.”
Jesus Christ! No thanks! I can’t imagine improperly placing cabinet knobs on closet doors like that
“The enshittifucation will continue until profits improve.” --CEOs of Publicly Traded Companies
I don’t understand. I mean I see why not having port forwarding would turn someone off from going with Mullvad, but I understand Mullvad’s rationale for doing so.
The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks
That’s a turn off for some and I get why they did it
No, you make an exact copy of it from the farmer’s field
I live in a rural area, so I’ve not seen any VPN ads IRL. I wasn’t aware they had real world ads. Thanks for letting me know!
I love Mullvad. You don’t see them in any ads (No “this video is brought to you by Mullvad VPN”) and you can pay them any way you’d like… Including cash!
Idk even the more egregious defects usually don’t get discovered this close to launch. The accelerator petal debacle should not have happened to begin with. It’s a solved technology!
It’s fine, just keep it in Car Wash mode all the time 😎
Yup, Trump can’t do or say anything wrong. He could literally eat a baby on national TV and his base would search for scripture to justify it.
Please vote for Biden. We’re going to see some serious fucked up shit if Trump wins. Project 25 will make it happen.
How is Photoshop different from Gimp?
Photoshop is a subscription-based…
Oh, so Gimp is better then, thanks Adobe!
I wonder when RISC-V will dethrone them?
No, I suspect the mailman would be driving instead
And zero sidewalks… You may be lucky and have a gutter or shoulder to walk on, but mostly you’ll walk on the street itself.
If you do find sidewalks, either people will be using them for parking, let vegetation grow over them, or are so broken up that if you were to walk on them you would break your ankles.
This is my town, at least. I live close to work and could easily walk that, but the town doesn’t care about their sidewalks and it is a bit of a dangerous walk. So, I just drive.
Were they using cryptocurrency? Maybe that’s how they thought they could get away with it. The article doesn’t say
Don’t forget to put the cyber truck in car wash mode first
If you want Pluto to be a planet, have the definition of “planet” changed so that Pluto would fall within that definition.