Does just viewing this thread trigger a message from her wth
Does just viewing this thread trigger a message from her wth
Wow, this all sounds so familiar to me as a Brit. This is the exact crap that diehard Brexiteers peddle, even as their food gets more expensive and they have to wait in the non EU queue in the airport. It hurts Johnny Foreigner, doesn’t it? So it’s worth it. Brexit is only bad because we didn’t Brexit hard enough!
Well, Cruise does like jumping on couches…
Some people can’t be happy unless they’re constantly angry about the people they were told to hate.
We call them gammons over here.
Add an exclamation mark at the start.
This annoys me. It keeps showing me cyan, but only giving me the options of green or blue. Cyan is neither. It’s freaking cyan! It’s a subtractive primary colour!
(Don’t get me started on art teachers insisting the primary colours for paint are red, yellow and blue. Naff off with that crap. Go look at printer ink, then naff right off again.)
I think I read it wrong. I thought it was making fun of tankies. The mouse ignores the death trap for free cheese. The tankies ignore China’s abuses and praise it because it has free healthcare? I used to see that sort of thing unironically all the time before I blocked grad and hexbear.
Wasn’t that ! From what I can see the .ee one is still under old management. Or did I miss something?
No, my budgie could always recognise me, even when I wore a hat or a mask or coloured my hair shocking pink. At the beginning he didn’t like when I wore stripes though.
He was scared of anyone else (except one of my sisters, even though he rarely saw her) until he got to know them. I don’t know if he was going by my voice or what.
The garden birds recognised me by my clothes though. I had hand tamed a bird with mealworms, and he’d ambush me every time I went into the garden. And my mum got ambushed once when she was dressed similarly to me.
Do you think he demands his couch thanks him every time he services it?
You literally said the problem was with insulin producing spikes from carbs, and therefore you can’t eat a plant based diet. I just showed you evidence that you can indeed eat a plant based diet, carbs or not, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. And can even reverse diabetes.
It was obvious from the beginning you were being totally disingenuous. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but the fact that you’ll block over such an inoffensive message confirms my initial suspicion about you. You just don’t want to eat a plant based diet and will find any reason not to. You had zero interest in learning and are just here to argue.
Traditional Indian omni diet. You don’t need to go low carb. In fact the desired ratio is 80% carbs, 10% protein, 10% fat. She still had grains and other carbs. It’s about the type of carbs (slow digesting). For example bread will nearly always be high GI because the yeast has done the digestion for you. Whereas white pasta will be lower, because it takes a long time to digest. Carbs are good, as long as it’s the right type of carbs.
People who say they’ve reversed their diabetes by going low carb haven’t reversed it, because it would come right back if they ate carbs. It’s like saying I made my arm fireproof by not holding a flame to it. Whereas going high fibre, low fat, low GI will allow you to still eat carbs without sugar spikes.
As I said, look into the work of Neal Barnard, who has reversed type 2 diabetes without cutting carbs and without any other lifestyle changes besides diet.
You asked to be directed. So I’ve directed you.
You can join my Naive Idiots™ club. I’m a long time member.
That reminded me of that flash game where you could press buttons on a Bush action figure to hear some bushisms (like “when we’re talking about war, we’re really talking about peace” and “there’s an old saying in Texas, I know it’s in Texas, probably Tennessee” and “peeance freeance”?) and there was one button to make him spit out a pretzel he was choking on. I tried to look it up but I can’t find it :(
Read The China Study and the work by Dr Neal Bernard. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed (not always, but it can be) or reduced. My mum had her dose of type 2 meds reduced by about half when she went on a plant based diet, because her blood sugar went too low on her regular dose.
Someone on Lemmy once calculated that he could lose 99% of his net value, then lose 99% of what’s left and he’d still be a multimillionaire. From the 320B, that would still leave him with 32M.
I literally just looked up the swastikar hashtag on Mastodon 🤭
Mine, when I blocked grad and hexbear.
After seeing this post, I was wondering what this was all about, spent a couple of minutes looking it up, only to get a PM from her.
Have you guys turned this into a summoning ritual?!