Damn, that brings back some memories
Damn, that brings back some memories
I can probably look this up but how does size effect the result in these things?
Similar situation. Arduino made microcontrollers accessible to the masses like raspberry made low cost computing accessible.
Fair, the other stuff should help though, especially cloths that dry fast. Anything cotton is just going to act like a sponge.
Bring a towel and a change of cloths. Wear that sweat wicking stuff that helps evaporate better. Hit the shower as soon as you’re done.
No, we just kinda stumbled into each other in social situations and went from there.
Profits now are all that matter. The future is a problem for after dividends and bonuses get paid out.
I don’t even play it and it upsets me. Online service models are a huge reason I don’t buy a lot of games. I hate the idea that major features of a game will be removed when it is no longer profitable.
I want to be able to go back to games after a long time to relive the experience. If there are someone else’s servers involved then I won’t be able to do that.
doesnt hurt th check the hash against what the distributor publishes.
That is a niche. its a large niche, but its still a niche.
But it is a suitable replacement in a lot of scenarios. Most scenarios. The only time it isn’t is in niche specialty situations.
I was in Texas for the eclipse. It messed me up driving on little two lane country roads with a 75mph speed limit. Back home only the big highways get close to that
Yeah, I use Python as a hobby and I my biggest project is a discord bot that does a bunch of things. Just for kicks I tried answering the questions without google and made working solutions. I don’t know if they are optimal but they work and I didn’t have to look things up.
This actually gives me some confidence in my programming skill level.
I saw it on another lemmy post. If I find it again I will link it here
I’m also looking forward to when game companies try to add kernel level anti cheat to Linux/s
Not so much “announce” as just start doing it in beta builds.
You realize how sad that statement is, right?