A stupid population is easier to control.
A stupid population is easier to control.
You guys are trying so hard to make Biden look bad at the benefit of making Trump look good and it doesn’t even compare. Trump is a piece of shit and anyone who supports him needs to realize they are being conned. He is a con artist first. You are a rube. Gullible. Foolish. If you believe he is telling you the truth then you have been tricked. Trump wants to dismantle all aid to any country threatened by Russia, Iran, North Korea and anyone else that might have actually donated some significant amount of “Foreign Aid” to his campaign funds and legal funds. The man is nearly half a billion in the hole because of the recent court cases against him. You really expect him to not take money from literally anyone at this point to pay those legal fees? Seriously? The man is a walking security risk with such a large fine on his hands. He is too hot to elect. He is one step short of being a fucking felon and you want to conflate him as being somehow better than Biden? Fuck all the way off dude.
Hmmm, food or lung cancer? What a decision to make. Yeah calling McDonald’s food is a stretch but at least it feeds people. Cigarettes are a stupid habit.
Fry’s is dead. They do not exist anymore in any real capacity. https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2021/2/24/22298616/frys-electronics-going-out-of-business
I really wish that there wasn’t just the one in Tustin for the entire state of California. The Bay Area would seem like a no-brainer for a Micro Center but no such luck.
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The CIA wants this type of activity so that the regimes in Central and South America are habitually weakened and always in need of some form of welfare from the USA. Like I know it sounds crackpot and tinfoil hat quality to say this stuff but the last 60 years basically prove it to be so. Any form of advancement that occurs within these countries has an almost direct economic impact to the USA where the cost of things goes up as the quality of living goes up in these countries. Its in the USA’s interest to keep these countries poor. How else are they supposed to get cheap labor?
I believe you are thinking of Ethiopia going to war with Eritrea. Eritrea recently gained independence from Ethiopia and now the Ethiopians want a sea port again. Watch that turn into an Iran vs USA proxy war too.
God that is so true. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so true.
Did you even read the article? Its about lava tubes in Saudi Arabia hosting hunter-gatherers, herders, and other generations of humans from the desert heat. Its not some inner earth conspiracy theory. Also why would the Smithsonian host Inner Earth conspiracy theories? From the article,