It’s just Sean Bean, I don’t get it.
It’s just Sean Bean, I don’t get it.
Then maybe you should do some research. Every female gamer I’ve talked to told about harassment. And, mind you, screaming “b*tch”, demanding her going back to the kitchen, threats of rape are not the only forms of harassment.
Here are some examples for videos that depict a different experience than yours:
I also recommend looking into the comments every now and then. They’re usually either confirming the experience, relativize or being oughtright harassing, too.
Unfortunately, that is not the case. In my humble experience, the most disgusting (and/because inexcusable) shit comes from grown up guys who were 10-17 years old 15-20 years ago (and they never changed). Online gaming is a hostile environment for girls and women, and it’s by far not only due to 10-17-year-olds.
Software Installation is all but centralized on Linux. Sure, there is your store or package manager, but both Apple and Windows do have that, too. But you can always add any source you want to that store (flatpak is great), find an AppImage, some doubious install script, find your own packages and manually install them (like .deb), use Steam or sometimes, like with Blender, download, decompress and run it.
Monowheels are cool. This one is just too small.
In diesem Fall ging es um Verschwörungserzählungen. Der User hat Beiträge von Ken Jebsen und „Nachdenkseiten“ geteilt, behauptet Wikipedia sei politisch instrumentalisiert, erfindet Gerichtsurteile usw.
(Und ganz viele Kommentare klingen, als wären sie von ChatGPT verfasst worden.)
Yeah sure, repairing devices got harder over years and some devices simply aren’t repairable at all (at least not for laypeople who aren’t training or experienced in certain techniques like soldering) or you need very special equipment. But the manuals are less of a problem.
Have you heard about our Lord and Saviour, iFixit?
For real though, look it up. Some 100k or so free repair manuals in twelve languages from phones to washing machines. And often enough, the necessary toolkit in their shop.
Coming up on season three of Rings of Power…
(Tbf, it wouldn’t make the show worse than it already is.)
But he doesn’t. Because his mail shirt has a boat neck instead of a coif or hauberk. Ergo, bad armour.
It’s not good armour though. There’s a huge invitation to hack/stab into the neck/collarbone area and the chest plate is too long.
Are there water toilets in Jumanji? Or vegan meat substitutes? Internet, supermarkets, refrigerators, floor heating etc?
I guess cloud computing is my old man yelling at clouds line.
Not necessarily. Cloud storage is great for off-site backups and collaborative working on projects, but Onedrive, 365 and the rest of the Microsoft stuff is the problem. It’s clunky, overloaded and generally a pain in the ass to manage. It is successful mostly because everyone already works with Microsoft stuff, especially their office suite, and Microsoft makes it really annoying (and in some places difficult) to go around it.
At my last job I had to implement and manage a lot of 365 and Sharepoint and I find my private Nextcloud more comfortable (and there are hosters who offer Nextcloud as a partially managed service so that in a company environment you’d mostly just need to administer users and small, easy stuff). If for usability alone I’d put Google’s cloud services and collaborative office environment before Microsoft’s (they’re still both shitty megacorps and I recommend staying away from both, though).
No one forces you to use Snaps or a distro that enforces Snaps.
Even the german language version does this now.
How long until the US pull a China and attack mexican fishing boats?
It says “PC exclusive” not " Windows exclusive". Linux PCs are still PCs.
Why are there so many twos though?
I always thought the song was the opposite. It says „We didn’t start it it was always like this“ and continues to listen events during their lifetime that were not already always in motion.
I always interpreted the song as saying „This is how it’s always been and we can’t change it is a lazy excuse for not trying to change anything.“
Regarding your statement about morals, as I’ve stated before, the hyperbole would be meaningless if the creator (of the hyperbole) wouldn’t find any truth or parallel in it.
There is truth and parallel in it. I don’t make a difference between exploiting or killing humans and exploiting or killing animals (in fact, humans are animals, but that is another topic). So don’t do it (unless your life depends on it, but that is a rare circumstance and for exploitation there’s no excuse).
If this was not the intention behind your words, then I will gladly stand corrected.
The intention of my words was to express that bottom left guy is a misrepresentation of vegans in general because he depicts militant vegans who are a minority. Very few vegans would say you have to starve if your only way to survive was eating animals. And the top left guy is a misrepresentation because eggs (or any other animal parts) are not or should not be staple food.
To bring real life examples:
There are many pharmaceuticals that contain animal ingredients. But since that is necessary for living a healthy life vegans generally don’t ask anybody to not take them if they need to (except for a very few who are sometimes very loud).
On the other hand, animal agriculture is heavily subsidized in the EU and most vegans (at least that I know of) strongly oppose these subsidies and advocate to shift subsidies towards more sustainable forms of agriculture.
We are neither okay with incentives to eat animal products (incentives as in subsidies to make animals very cheap, cheaper than they are) nor do we want people to starve or not get the medication they need.
I often think of neurodiversity as operating systems. Most people, the neurotypicals, are running on Windows. But us neurospicy people, we run on Linux. There are a lot of distros, different, but still kinda similar in some ways, you’re usually not taught how to operate them, have to find out a lot by yourself though it isn’t necessarily hard to learn if you’really given the opportunity and your environment just lets you be without too much expectations to run Windows software. And mostly, the normies don’t get it and can’t be bothered to learn about it. (Also there’s Mac but that’s those weird people who say they are different but really only do it for the clout. Or they’re just artists.)