It was the shrieking that I wasn’t a fan of
It was the shrieking that I wasn’t a fan of
How would one go about this? So I can avoid doing it accidentally, of course.
It looks like he’s wearing a rubber mask. It’s unsettling.
Oopsy, forgot to carry the one…
Is hot dogshit better or worse than ambient dogshit?
This is the only thing I can think they might be talking about?
I agree, but I always thought they were Robertson head screws. Wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong though…
I subconsciously assumed they were watermarks and just ignored them completely
Please tell me you’re joking or just a troll.
Where are you that everybody knows everybody else, including randoms at a bar or out on the street?
From the vibe in this thread this is likely to get me bombed with downvotes, but the stakes are too high to take a gamble on whether a guy is “just intimidating” or a real threat to your safety. If a guy can’t take no for an answer in a bar chances are good he’s not going to take no in other situations either. And if I’m already uncomfortable, I’m not going to offer to make physical contact in the hopes the guy is just awkward.
Accept the fact that they’re not into you and move on. If you can’t, or won’t, you’re part of the problem.
How old is your cat?
Because it lessens the severity of the illness?
It got me out of the bath seven times! SEVEN!
Weird. I’m in Nova Scotia and we had elementary (primary to 6th), junior high (grade 7-9) and high school (grade 10-12), then college or university. Didn’t Ontario used to have grade 13 as well?
What about W?
Make sure they are native seeds for the area you’re doing this in!
My dad used to give me sugary tea in a bottle. I had to have all my teeth pulled by the time I was 2
What do you consider a perfect boiled egg? I need to find a new technique - mine bounce off the bottom of the pot when the water is boiling and they crack.
He was working on his game. The sex doll only turns him down half the time now.
Fleas caused the death of my cat. A coworker generously brought a sample of her infestation in to the office and they must have hitched a ride home with me. My cats were indoor only, I didn’t expect them to need flea treatment. The fleas gave him hemobartonella and almost $20,000 later, we couldn’t get the anemia under control.
Nuke the fleas.