I think it’s from Futurama
I think it’s from Futurama
I mean, that was Driver on psx, which was a good game. It’s the MMO bit I can’t imagine
Give everyone a gun and suddenly it gets easier to murder people. Imagine if you gave everyone a button to launch the nukes, how long before the human race eradicated itself?
You know there are some naturally carbonated springs. The Earth is not flat after all.
Holy cow. It’s like someone thought “the human race isn’t using enough single use plastic, how can we pump up those numbers? Maybe we can tie it in to the basic consumption of tap water.”
Well if we go by Dragon Ball Z rules, the change will happen in another timeline, and he’ll come back to this unchanged one.
You are thinking about IP with tunnel vision. You just want to gain entertainment for free. There’s more than that to IP laws. How would you like it if you made art that was then used in a manner that you philosophically disagree with. For example, Meghan Trainor had a song that was used against her will in a political campaign against same sex marriage, she was able to cease and desist this use because of IP laws.
Then I assume you’ve done the rounds on Stargate and Farscape?
The entry cost of the housing market is a greater driver of rent than vacant rental properties. The laws even encourage property owners to leave a property empty than lower the rent.
I think there’s room for improvement on copyright laws, but that’s a far cry from the outrageous claim that intellectual property isn’t a real thing.
In most if the modern world, copyright laws give automatic ownership of unique works of art. Legally IP is a real thing.
Landlords hording property reduces the supply to people who want to buy. This shortage reduces the supply:demand ratio, which drives prices higher. Higher house prices informs the price of rent which is controlled by the people creating the shortage.
People aren’t suggesting to abolish investment property, they are simply saying we should remove the abuse investment.
So if an artist creates a piece of intellectual property, do you not think they should have control over how it’s used? Including who can make profit off of it?
Sorry, I’m not going to read all that, but it seems like you’re upset about the shitty deals made by record labels and other large corporations, not intellectual property rights.
What do you think drives the price of rentals? Not being able to afford to buy keeps people stuck in rental living where they can be price gouged. If the price of houses drops due to an oversupply, more renters will buy, which reduces demand for rentals, which will drive down the price of rent making it more affordable to rent.
If you take away the ability to own and control your intellectual property, then you won’t be empowered.
Licensing art allows creators to earn a living off of their hard work.
Comics traditionally come out every month. This is issue 12. Is this specific title what the anniversary is for?
If you save the cheerleader then the creepy serial killer will join the team.
I don’t think YouTube really compares to Netflix
I think OP doesn’t even know what their point is.
They keep saying people will continue to perform sex work if there’s no economic gain, but at that point it’s not work. Then the counter argument to that is “there’s many different kinds of sex work”, but the point still stands that having sex voluntarily, being an exhibitionist, or having a hobby of filming sexual encounters are all things that people do for personal gratification and are not considered a career now, or in this hypothetical post-scarcity civilisation.
Like someone else said, it sounds like they are just fantasising about sex slaves. To me it also sounds like OP is overcompensating on the whole “I respect sex workers” virtue signalling.