I’ve never used Plex. I’m curious what issues you’ve had with jellyfin that makes you say this. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with it, along with a friend who’s been using it a lot
I’ve never used Plex. I’m curious what issues you’ve had with jellyfin that makes you say this. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with it, along with a friend who’s been using it a lot
I’ve been immensely impressed with DOS2 AI. If an enemy is sleeping, another enemy will use part of its turn to hit the enemy to wake it up. There were several instances where I paused and just stared awestruck
I have windows and linux on different drives and windows killed my bootloader this week anyway lol
Perhaps other people have said it but this is the quote I’m familiar with:
“The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.”
James Nicoll
This is an awesome post. Thank you for sharing it. I really appreciated reading your comments, and I hope you’re doing well
I made the switch at the start of the year out of curiosity. I had worked for QNX as a student and though that I should have had a better understanding of the system, so I started using WSL for all my programming.
Then joined Lemmy in the summer and that increased my interest in trying it out full time. I was also getting increasingly disappointed with Windows pushing updates for Win11 and features like onedrive.
I’ve been super happy with it so far. I’ve gotten way more familiar with my OS and it’s been such a huge shift in perspective for me to be able to shape the way the OS works to my workflow rather than the inverse.
I originally was looking for a hardshell case but stumbled on this while looking. I’m very pleased personally for my lily58. https://www.moderncoup.com/product-category/keyboard-sleeves-carry-cases/split-keyboard-carry-cases/
Yeah, exactly. It does slow you down just a smidge, but it removes the need to do finger gymnastics to hold shift + layer + tap (in this example) 2. Instead, it’s just layer + 2 (hold for like 0.1s). You can also configure it to not apply to alpha characters, which is what I have, so it won’t do anything unless it’s a symbol or a number.
If you want to hold a character (2), then you tap, release, then hold within a configurable time frame.
I also think you mentioned it, but combos are also really nice, as is the leader key.
Leader key you press it and then you input a series of keys (or just one) and it acts as a new key. I have a lot of macros stored under leader key activations, like wrapping a word in (), or writing “->” or " !=" . There’s a deep rabbit hole of customizing you can fall into here :P
It took me about a week or so once I dropped down to 34. Sometimes I would lose a key and that made me realize it needed to be moved if I couldn’t easily remember it.
One thing I found super helpful was configuring autoshift for non-alpha characters. So now I can hold [ to get { for example, or 2 for @. It’s helped a lot in reducing the size of my keymap. And as I said, home row mods are incredible once you become accustomed to using them.
If you’re interested I can share my own keymap, which might help you come up with some ideas that help you.
That seemed like a lot of hurdles to have jumped through but I’m glad you stick with it and that you’re enjoying it.
I originally thought people were crazy for using 40% boards, but with home row mods I’m now using 34 keys and I would never go back to using a standing row stag 60% again lol.
Welcome to the ergo split club, and the months of tinkering with your layout until it works the best for you :)
I loved the voice actors and the visuals of hades but I actually couldn’t really get into it much. The gameplay just didn’t quite work for me lol. Different strokes for different folks I guess
Thanks for sharing your opinion! I think a lot of people enjoy digging into a game via guides and wikis to learn how to min-max. I think I’m one of those people so I would probably enjoy that aspect it.
I think (without having played more than 1 run) that a lot of where improvements come from in skill is consistency, and that’s something I enjoyed a lot is learning slay the spire (making most runs at least somewhat viable).
All that said, it’s a game and you should obviously enjoy yourself playing a game, or leisure time in general :P A shame it didn’t land for you though
Can you elaborate. 2 of my friends both love this game. Just curious what left you feeling underwhelmed
You’ll want the nvidia drivers. Nouveau is now usable with AMD cards I think, I’m on nvidia so I’m not 100% sure on that
My favourite book is hands down the scorpio races by maggie stiefvater. I’ve read that book so many times I’ve lost count now
Very cool excerpt. Made me think of the witcher quote about lesser evil:
Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.
Somewhat related on windows 11, for some reason teams volume will desync from system volume. I’ll put system volume to 0 and still be hearing teams. It’s the same audio device being selected. I don’t understand why it would ever work that way but here we are
This is a phenomenal read. Thank you for sharing lol
I’ve played a decent amount of this game (nothing crazy, <20 wins on hard) and the new changes released recently feel pretty good! Would definitely recommend checking this out. I would personally recommend playing on mobile since it works so well for that platform
I see what you’re saying. I don’t really mind doing the transcoding but I’d never looked to turn it off. Maybe it’ll be a feature added at some point.
You may disagree but I’m of the opinion that making an open source version of an app is enough of a reason to warrant it’s creation but to each their own of course. Thanks for sharing your input.