Love the hand one and the portrait of the old man! I thought the bottle one was digital at first! You did a great job capturing the Photoshop selection effect
Elaine ♀ | Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur | Artist
🚫 No AI is used in my process
Love the hand one and the portrait of the old man! I thought the bottle one was digital at first! You did a great job capturing the Photoshop selection effect
No sword swallowing? Just kidding. I appreciate your bravery since you’re playing with fire, in this case a literal sense! What’s the best experience you’ve had?
Thanks so much! 😃 That one was a birthday gift drawing for a good friend of mine! It’s also the longest I’ve ever spent on a drawing! I started it either in late April or early May and didn’t get it finished until the end of June, right on time LMAO
Always happy to see the Fediverse getting more popular! 😃
Nice! What would you say the pro’s and con’s of it are? I don’t know any performance artists personally but I’m interested.
Woah, now that’s a mixed bag! 😃 For the photography that sun peeking out of the clouds one has an almost angelic vibe to it. Is that a crepuscular ray I see? For the chalk drawings, I immediately noticed the Digital Circus characters. That show’s so fun to watch and I have no idea how it’s going to end. I like the bright and bold colours in the digital drawings, I haven’t played Kirby Air Ride in a long time but I’m glad that game still has its fans!
I got into 3D art not that long ago and can confirm each one is definitely a learning experience haha. It’s fun!
That’s a pretty detailed model! I like the gun part the most, very cool. The toon outline effect is also a nice touch. Are the tire treads bump maps or are they actually modelled?
Haha I love the sock characters! At first I thought they were worms on a string. They’re cute! You mention wanting to get into game development, which is cool! Got a particular genre or engine that you want to go for?
No worries! There’s no time limit on art, only draw/make art when you feel like it!
Love how the horizon perfectly lines up like that! The wet sand is almost like a mirror…wow! It also feels somewhat lonely because of the lack of people and the nearly overcast sky.
I’m a real sucker for sunset and twilight, and I’m glad you got to stay up since that’s a really great photo! It’s kind of insane to think that there used to be thousands of people there (even conservative estimates reckon it would seat around 50,000!) almost two thousand years ago…
Seeing it in person, was it how you expected or more?
Don’t use Instagram or Mastodon anymore otherwise I’d follow you, but these are great! I love that Pennywise one, there’s so much colour going on there in terms of hues and it accurately portrays the geometry of his face very well. Bill Skarsgard was terrifying in those movies haha. I also like the balloon covering up his eye, great composition too!
I like the outline kind of effect going on in the second one. The coat looks glossy because of the bright highlights and deeper blues. I also like how you did the flaps (for lack of a better word) and the background becoming less blue at the edges. Great job on both of these, I can tell a lot of effort went into them! How long did these two take you to finish if you don’t mind me asking?
I was about to comment something similar but you said it before I did. Sometimes I’ll mistakenly open YouTube with Chrome and then I realize I messed up because I have to sit through three, sometimes one-minute long ads just to watch a twenty second video. I’ll typically just nope out and switch to Firefox. The worst thing is they’re unskippable and I swear for some of them the ad actually pauses if you switch to another tab or browser. I’m getting ads even on super old videos so I’m pretty sure it isn’t all to do with the channels themselves monetizing their videos.
Yup. This is also why a lot of scammers will deliberately place typos into their phase 1’s.
I think it’s likely to be a pig-butchering scam. Essentially, it’s a catfish who lulls people into a false sense of security using stolen photos, and once that has worked, they try to scam them. I’ve received 3 Nicole messages, each one with a different photo, and because the photos are blurry, along with TinEye and Google Reverse Image Search failing to detect them, I believe the photos are actually stills from a video, which would explain how they’ve evaded detection. It’s also possible the photos were just photos that got deleted long ago, and the catfish is using this to their advantage since deleted photos would not get detected.
On one of the Nicole accounts was a photo of a buttplug, and in that photo, an old white man was visible in the reflection. Once this was pointed out to “Nicole”, the photo was deleted. So whatever their intentions are, they surely can’t be good. Their accounts exist across instances, so it may be difficult to effectively block and ban them.
Pretty much.
A bag of frozen chips/fries, potato chips/crisps, 2 boxes of 12 eggs, some cereal, chocolate, maybe a crate of pop (Dr Pepper is my fave) and milk.
I’ve already said this on Bluesky, but I’ll say it again. He has such little self-awareness that he doesn’t even properly consider why Canada is retaliating in the first place. He’s like a little child stomping his feet because he can’t get a can of pop.
Good. Seeing a Nazi face consequences for his actions in real time is so satisfying.
I like how smooth that animation is! Very clean style too. Do you use Illustrator?