I’ve had my eye on monster hunter: rise, so that’s a welcome addition. With the bump from new players I reckon it’ll be a good month to get into it.
I’ve had my eye on monster hunter: rise, so that’s a welcome addition. With the bump from new players I reckon it’ll be a good month to get into it.
The “M” would be for mezzanine, which is usually either a floor that’s small or at an intermediate height between main floors.
or any democracy for that matter
Australia sends its regards.
It is really nice knowing that I can safely vote for our “green” party without risking our conservative party getting in because the centre-left party loses too many votes.
Also, voting being mandatory (and very accessible) and on a Sunday for federal elections is such a game changer for ensuring participation.
Hopefully you guys can get reforms in at some point.
Life before death, Radiant.
To my knowledge, the sapient population is the human population of Earth.
However, there are numerous sentient species that could conceivably be “uplifted” in the next thousand years. Plus, I consider it more likely than not that extraterrestrials do exist and that there’s likely another sapient species out there, though they are unlikely to be in our general volume of space
I have two moods for this:
One is a playlist composed of most of the library of songs by PVRIS. I don’t know why, but their music just really clicks with me; I can listen to that playlist all day with no problems (I usually hate listening to the same song more than once or twice a day).
The other is a playlist of non-combat music from The Elder Scrolls. Really good for gentle background music.
Who said the person was human?
It’s a brand name of cheese that is ubiquitous in Australia. They recently rebranded to “Cheer” due to the racist connotations of their former name.
Make sure you spread it thinly! The #1 mistake made by people who didn’t grow up with it is to spread it thick like jam.
A thin spread of Vegemite on top of a spread of butter is one of the classic foods of many an Aussie growing up for a reason!
Okay, I’ll bite. What does “a Hobbit” mean as a unit of measurement?
Does it say when it’ll be coming to the service? I started this game on my PSP back in the day but never finished, so it would be good to be able to tick that off.
While it sounds cool in concept, I think not doing it was the right call - it could very easily have been another Suicide Squad anchor on a studio that delivers excellent single player games.
Consider the TV show another turning of the Wheel. Nothing in it prevents you from enjoying the Source.
And because Dems support Ukraine.
10 hours is a short game, but for a GaaS that’s basically over in a blink of an eye.
Maybe they thought people would be motivated enough to play through it 4x so they could experience all 4 characters, but I think that’s a bit silly of them if so.
Interesting choice. As much as I love the setting, I couldn’t see myself living in a place that has hurricanes on a weekly basis.
I’ve got a pair of Loops and they’re absolutely game changing for me. I never realised how draining / overstimulating it was for me to go to shopping centres and restaurants until I suddenly didn’t have to deal with a barrage of noise.
I personally have the Loop Quiet, and can’t recommend them enough.
It’s funny, I’ve gotten so many questions from colleagues and friends about them at events over the last six months, and even though they’re (to my knowledge) allistic every single person has thought they’re a brilliant idea. I know I’ve “sold” at least 3 pairs out of half a dozen conversations about them.
I’m guessing it’s the manager of the former manager.
Value is correct in this instance, I think.
The number of shares and the price people are willing to pay for those shares is how “value” is calculated, I think.
In contrast, “wealth” would be how much money they have in the bank.