I’ve been looking into forming a team with my friend who is also in IT. While they may not go on a resume, I was considering putting them on a personal portfolio website.
I’ve been looking into forming a team with my friend who is also in IT. While they may not go on a resume, I was considering putting them on a personal portfolio website.
How’d you get into IT? I feel like my path into computer work has been a bit unorthodox. I have a political science degree but no college experience with cs just otj experience. It feels like having my background definitely helps on the soft skills just may be a bit of hindrance compared to those with cs degrees.
That’s a bit of my thought maybe just get the big three and then practice more practical skills for a while. I’ll definitely have to convince my boys to pay for some of those certs the net+ does translate a ton into my current position.
The homelab will have to wait until I settle in to my new place with an office.
Yeah that’s kind of what I have been doing, I have been trying to do things focused on networking and trying to understand cinema servers since many use a form of Linux. Though Microsoft skills always seem to be some of the most popular
Wanna help there’s always memes in numbers
So am I understanding correctly that this code wasn’t exactly handled as a normal team? Like XZ had one person vetting the replacement?
So I first saw this picture and thought Baxter had the same face as my chihuahua. Then I read his story and I cried and found it to be similar. My dog was a bit neglected by previous owners and he is a senior chihuahua. After this experience I can now say. Chihuahuas are ground bats.
Yeah they sometimes get touted as that
I found this article from the one you posted. It is crazy think DNA can be used for storage one day.
As someone who used to be high all the time. I know what worked for me a lot was trying to focus on the best I can do in a given day.
I got into exercise and tried enjoying everyday as if I could be happy with dying that day. I really do try my best to not think about all the crazy things going on just because I realized I can’t help as much. But I do my best to help with things locally. One simple that helped me financially as well as climate related was switching to eating less red meat. Even though some may say it’s not enough as I didn’t go vegan, it still helps reduce some of my carbon output. With the idea of helping where you can and not stressing about what you can’t do, life becomes a lot easier and less stressful while actually making impact.
Do you have anything particular you want to do outside of just being high to feel better? Once I realized how much I like computers and tech, smoking less became easier
It seems like they gave a bunch of people a notice to find new jobs as a form of promotion