It’s better. That’s not a reporter. Or anyone with any credentials at all.
It was MTG’s boyfriend.
Dating a congressthing gets you Oval Office access now.
It’s better. That’s not a reporter. Or anyone with any credentials at all.
It was MTG’s boyfriend.
Dating a congressthing gets you Oval Office access now.
Incredible that Trump remains so mad that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize that he’s willing to literally just order an ally to give up so he can claim he made the peace and demand his prize. He really was just entirely broken by a black man being president.
Rich people figured out that if you buy a news outlet and just have them repeat a lie over and over and over and over it just becomes a fact that everyone knows.
From there you have your politicians run on fixing the problem you lied about existing and now everyone is convinced that not only is the problem real, but only the right wingers can fix it.
Bonus: when your chosen politicians win, you can have your media outlet lie about the problem being fixed to give people a warm fuzzy to reinforce voting this way.
You’re telling me Luigi Grated this Parmesan Cheese?
Yes, but this would require someone to enforce “Nazis bad” and lol @ thinking the current admin would do anything but clearly define anything to the left of Hitler as hate speech.
At least pretending like they care would be a good start. They unanimously approved a few Trump appointees on the promise that the republicans might reconsider one or two and whoops the dems once again got the football pulled out from in front of them. They literally cannot learn the lesson that bargaining with the republicans gets them nothing in return ever because they are the only ones who will hold up their end of the deal…
At a bare minimum they can stop doing that.
deleted by creator
I remember when big phones used to be called “phablets” and that was considered a bad thing that only certain power user types would want…
And then the same marketing that hit cars came to phones when companies realized that “bigger than the last model” was an easy way to have a number that they could point to that got bigger to imply this one was somehow better. That and human brains are wired to like bright colors so store displays of PHONE WITH BIG BRIGHT COLOR SCREEN made people want it despite it being objectively less easy to use than a more reasonably sized device.
-Sent from my iPhone 13 mini
the fart of the deal baybee
I’m sure you can find the strength within to scroll up, I know you’re just trying to waste my time.
And again, we are back to do you have evidence that Zelensky would’ve done these things if there wasn’t an active invasion of the country because that kind of shifts the context here. War is horrific, and no one gets exempt from those horrors, but you seem very willing to pretend that Russia isn’t doing anything wrong and that these things are only bad when Ukraine does them to Ukrainians and that Russia is just trying to to help by killing shitloads of Ukrainians so they can’t hurt other Ukrainians???
Every single time you’ve assigned blame for things Russia did on Ukraine was you absolving Russia, hope that helps!
You’re not being accused of supporting Russia because you dislike Zelensky, you’re being accused of supporting Russia because there’s a large overlap between what you think would be good for you personally and what would be good for Russia and you refuse to acknowledge that overlap and dance around it in a way that comes off as arguing in bad faith.
Show me where I either denied Ukraine was doing these things, or celebrated them happening, because that sure didn’t happen.
What I specifically said, and what you’ve consistently danced around, is that Russia is doing these things at least as much but more likely more and you seem to not really care about “your people” when Russians do these things to them. Maybe you’re a Ukrainian citizen who supports Russia taking over the country, or supports moving closer to Russias sphere of influence as opposed to the EU. Thats cool, you’re entitled to think that, but you aren’t entitled to pretend that Russia is magically absolved of anything bad they’ve done because WEST BAD.
Nice work cherry picking the single item on the list that doesn’t fit, you sure aren’t beating the allegations today!
My mistake, you described things Russia is doing and then assigned the agency of those things to the president of Ukraine, so I’m sure you can see why I’d be confused!
You sure do have a lot of energy to complain about Ukraine while bending over backwards to avoid acknowledging that there might be some kind of external event that might be impacting these things, like, I dunno, some kind of invasion or something. Maybe if those people left, that would also be a solution??? Just spitballing here. But truly, giving up is the best solution for everyone Russia.
I had no idea that the president of Ukraine was in control of the Russian forces invading the country, if you have proof of this you should probably like, reveal it or something, that would be kind of a big news story!
Love the “you made me do this to you” energy here, very progressive stance of believing that sometimes abusers just have to hit people, and there’s truly nothing that can be done about it.
Hey I have a question. What precipitating circumstances made all of this necessary? Was there like, I dunno, another country that invaded or anything? It sure would change the context of everything you were saying if there was some kind of external event that made these things happen and they aren’t just occurring in a vacuum! Not to mention the stuff you’re just outright lying about, almost like you’re working in service of some other group that may or may not have an interest in this particular situation, but again, you’re insisting all this happened in a vacuum so that can’t be true!
I think you’re assigning a level of intelligence that Trump simply doesn’t have here. He’s absolutely not planning for anything more than 10 seconds ahead. He’s got a list of people he knows will do anything he says and he’s installing them wherever with no rhyme or reason.
Excellent to see the media is still allowing this guy to say that we had a bad trade deal while ignoring that the bad trade deal he’s talking about is the one he created and signed during his first term.