Definitely anything SuperGiant. Bastion, Hades, and Transistor are some of the only games I’ve actually finished, and the sound tracks are incredible.
Yeah I think he was a monk.
Right? Like what if as cells die or degrade instead of being replaced by the body naturally they are replaced by nanites/cybernetics/tech magic. If the process of fully converting took place over the course of 10 years, then I don’t see how the subject would even notice.
It’s an interesting thing to ponder.
Right? I read your comment and was like…psh can’t be that strange, so I went into this prepared to read a few articles.
Read about a dude who lived his whole life and died without ever seeing a woman. He was in his 80’s! That’s wild.
Right? I’ve never seen a hotel fridge with anything in it. Hell I’m actually staying at a hotel right now that’s pretty decent and was reserved by my company. Smallest mini fridge I’ve seen, but it’s empty and could certainly fit some meds.
Yeah, experiencing that is a horror I wouldn’t wish on anyone. That’s a true nightmare.
I don’t think having kids of my own is in my future, I hope I can live my life with enough intent and purpose to avoid this date. Thank you both for this thread, it’s gotten me thinking.
I’m entertained, I need a book in this universe.
Why couldn’t they get his wallet if he was handcuffed?
Oh yeah during the protests they totally arrested people who were just outside their own apartments. It’s fucking ridiculous.
I’m sorry you had to go through that.
Odd thing to be that annoyed by. I don’t understand people who obsess over the way other people’s houses look. Unless you have an expensive car or a project car it seems like a waste of good space to store a car in the garage. But hey, to each their own.
If I had a garage it would totally be used for shop space and storage. Most people here seem to use their garages as additional space. My car can survive the rain just fine outside. The tools and equipment I wish I had space for, not so much.
Shame you let other people’s reasonable decisions bother you. Not everyone wants to obsess over opening a car.
True, but that doesn’t excuse messing with people’s lifesaving health devices. They use them because they have to, not because they want to.
Trumpanzee…that’s brilliant!
Waffle stomp gets me laughing every time in any context.
What are some examples? What makes them so much more evil than Adobe?
Sorry for my ignorance, but what specific event are they referencing?
I feel like I should know, but what movies are shown in the post?
Also does anyone know some other good movies that fit this criteria? I smell popcorn for a movie marathon.
Good answer. This seemed relevant enough to share, it’s certainly interesting.