Or maybe it’s the case because every politic calls their opponent a nazi as soon as the opportunity to do so comes out? Nah, what am i saying?
Or maybe it’s the case because every politic calls their opponent a nazi as soon as the opportunity to do so comes out? Nah, what am i saying?
Sorry guys, could you do less sex scenes pls? Everytime i watch a movie, I’d like to have empathetic connection with the characters, and since I’m using arch btw, all the aformentioned scenes ruin all the immersion for me :(
who’s the ashen one in this metaphor then?
why are you citing yourself
don’t worry tho, the caring people from your surrounding will stand between you and the void :)
Physical training literally cures methabolic disorders, except the genetic ones of course, good thing they are extremely rare. Vast majority of them are behavioral.
Moreover, I wasn’t judgemetall of obesity before I had met few people with weight problems. One of them even had problems with legs because of that. You know what he did about that? Right, not a damn thing, hasn’t even tried. Instead of that he chose only to complain about his poor legs all the time. He never tried to see a doctor, never tried to train. The more you defend this people, the more of them there will be. And of course every one of them claims that they have bad genes or something, except they self-diagnosed it to themselves, because its easier that way. Its always easier to do nothig but to pity yourself, and to look for other people to pity you.
bro really said 💀
looks like ncd is leaking again
there are degrees, and i never said otherwise. What i ment by “anthropomorphic equvalent of a truck” is exactly what you described - pathological consumers with a very unhealthy diet. I guess i have chosen my words poorly, therefore made my thought unclear. There are lots of fat people that are quite strong, and this is ok to me, as i said.
The part about physical activity wasn’t exactly about fat people though, rather about our modern society in general. A healthy diet with the correct balance, and moderate physical activity makes wonders, not simply in terms of weight. Those two things are grately underestimated. Those things were underestimated by me. After i started to be more physically active, my thoughts got clearer and i became much happier in general. And yeah, the best gym is a part-time job in a field, if you ask me. Actual gym sucks compared to it.
it’s disturbing how much people nowadays never did anything harder than getting up their bed in their entire life. Physical activity is a necessity. Its ok to be fat. Its not ok to be an antropomorphic equivalent of a truck.
why would your skin color be a reason for an insult?
someone haven’t studied biology
i’m using it for half a year or so. Have done multiple system upgrades by now. My only question is “how!?”. How did they manage to break it? I have lots of AURs installed, i did intall some python dependencies with pip --break-system-packages, it still runs perfectly.
So… He’s just the jerkiest attention whore? Damn… That’s basically if a 4chaner became a god
That’s what they call crossfit