I am coping hard for a Kid Icarus: Uprising remake using this. We know Sakurai has been working on something, and I’d hate for it to just be a new smash.
I am coping hard for a Kid Icarus: Uprising remake using this. We know Sakurai has been working on something, and I’d hate for it to just be a new smash.
The content he gave us a teaser of looks amazing. I’m really happy to see him back, and most importantly to see him happy.
It’s not been that long since I started learning this engine, and it has been an absolute delight to work with this entire time! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for Godot.
Started to get into this, and the tutorials are always saying to be mindful of the limits and optimise your stuff. I always had a feeling that there’s no way that everything I’ve seen fits in those limits, but hearing that most people don’t even try is saddening.
How’s that fairing? I’ll be switching once the last few games I care about get support, but as someone new to Linux with a NVIDIA card I’m feeling a little lost.
Lemmy likes to say Nobara is great for gaming but Mint is great for newcomers, and I really don’t want to have to come home and tinker with my PC after work.
This app has a lot of great features, it actually convinced me to sign up.
This was the last place I expected to see a rant about DbD! There are some trulyawful people in the community, from playing just to waste other people’s time to getting into “us vs them” arguments and hurling insults. I’m glad there’s a few people who go above and beyond to set good examples.
On topic, I don’t get how even if Behaviour retconned characters to be different sexualities impacts our ability to enjoy the game at all. It’s not like the pride charms are going to hurt you, lol!