Thinking of you and sending comfort.
Thinking of you and sending comfort.
I’m sorry for this setback. It’s especially hard when it’s our pets. I hope the surgery goes well, and I know she can feel your love and it comforts her.
That glare. Hope you’re ok OP!
In the US at least, generic medicines have to have the same active drug in them, but the other ingredients can be different
Also TIL (from the WebMD article I linked) they’re allowed up to a 15% difference in how the body absorbs them
I definitely got em just for the kids too
(I won’t tell if you don’t)
The cake bandit one is on their bonfire site
Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition
‘es pining for the fjords
Quick, pretend to go back to sleep so you don’t ruin her valentine biscuit surprise
[glances outside at the 6+” on the ground]
I won’t start seeds for about another 2 months, so please keep me updated on your plants so I can garden vicariously until then!
I did order a micro cherry tomato variety the other day that I’m excited to try in my tabletop hydroponic setup. They’re only supposed to grow to be 9” or so tall. I’m really curious how many tomatoes such a small plant may produce. But even if it’s not many, I’m still looking forward to fresh tomatoes in winter.
I can tell how much you care for her, so I know she’ll get back to her best whether that’s 8 km again or a new best
Wishing Mocha a speedy recovery!
I agree, toll roads charge based on the license plate or scannable toll pass. Did you have a toll pass in your old car? Even if you did, they should be able to see the license plate doesn’t match your account. Also when you called them did you call the number listed in the letter you got from them?
I would try looking up the company’s number online and calling that. Then if it is a legitimate toll charge, doing what dan1101 said should suffice. I definitely wouldn’t send them a bill of sale or other paperwork. If they’re still stubborn about it, a letter from the dealership that you traded/sold that vehicle on (date) might work.
Having been fooled by many a bag, this made me chortle
We have 2 so my kid and I can each use one. It does help, when I remember to set it. Good luck with yours! I love the rainbow
Great photo! I can almost hear the joyful zoomies
I’m having a hard time choosing a favorite, these are all so great. The resplendent and blue owls both really drew my eye as I was scrolling through them all.
You already have, and I can tell she appreciates it
The US Fish & Wildlife Service has a feather atlas to help people ID North American birds.
It’s not perfect as they may only have feathers from one or two individuals, and like people birds of the same species aren’t all identical. But it’s still a good resource. Plus it has an Identify My Feather feature that’s fun and interesting to use.
Good luck Indira, this internet stranger is hoping this time it’s the right family
edit: autocorrect error