Yeah I think it’s a good idea, meeting in a public space would make her feel more comfortable, and maybe if things go well you can head to a coffee shop later.
Yeah I think it’s a good idea, meeting in a public space would make her feel more comfortable, and maybe if things go well you can head to a coffee shop later.
Hello back! 😊 sorry I’m a day late. I did have to work yesterday but at least it wasn’t a terrible work day, so I’ll take it. I did the same on Reddit with not outwardly saying I’m a woman for obvious reasons, but I’ve had the same great experience on here so far. Happy to see the positivity is shared for others too!
Oh that’s really interesting, I’ll have to give that a try. I am thinking it would pair well with mindfulness meditation
So far it’s been a tough week just trying to keep my head above water with work. I feel confident that I’m making progress on the projects I’m working on. I just feel overwhelmed trying to focus on one task or project at a time, so I have to fight the urge to react by doing nothing and just pick one at a time. On the plus side we have plans for Valentine’s day that I’m getting excited about!
That resonates with me so much. Whether I want to admit that or not, it’s definitely always there, making me doubt myself and what I can achieve.