Waiit whaaat???
This is noncredible defence, not “I have no clue whatsoever what I’m talking about defence”
Waiit whaaat???
This is noncredible defence, not “I have no clue whatsoever what I’m talking about defence”
But uhm. Died side by side in both world wars; at this point it’s gotta be clear 😁 (wouldn’t it be more germany/poland F.ex?
Steam not only profits wildly from underage gambling, but by being close to a monopoly. They take 30% from every game sold, which is more than they need. They can take that much due to their de-facto storefront existance.
Steam delivers amazing services, pcgaming would not be where it is without valve, but even with their radical work policies and good wages for their workers they still have quite a bit of problems.
Immigration policy seems quite lax; the orcs immigrated to Isengard right?
Abstract of your computer view (impressionism style mundane life) 🤩
Hahahaha, nei dra meg baklengs inn i fuglekassa!
Oh yea, the weird origins of modern western vegetarianism, deep rooted in the american cults (mormonism, adventism, christian science and one other I think?)
Yes, neoliberal regimes at least have conducted genocides, although it’d point it out as authoritarian regimes.
No, not really - it’s mostly about telling the tankies that they are the same as their most hated enemy.
And the only difference between .ml and .world would be denial of genocide, at least as I’ve seen no denial of native genocides in Canada, US, scandinavia, or similar - neither any denial of the ongoing genocide in palestine. Ofcourse that could just be less noticed and talked about, but they don’t ban you for saying that the US is doing genocide
Probably true? https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions/botched-executions Here it does say that 0 cases of firing squad has had a botched case tbh, but it is quite low numbers - so it isn’t a good reference for statistics
HDR is pretty much impossible in X11; especially since there are 0 plans for it, and no plans to do anything than bare minimum updates
Wayland is pretty darn great nowadays, hell I’m running KDE and got HDR on my desktop; haven’t had any odd goings on since 2023 (though nvidia is still meh)
Medical professionals usually frown upon anything with doing harm. With the whole “do-no-harm” oath usually taken. This leads to “lethal injections” made by non-medical individuals, where they struggle to buy ingredients (also cus nobody wants to sell killing drugs) - and injected by non-professionals.
This leads to injections being quite often hour long processes of extremely painful deaths. Not uncommonly it’s unsucessfully.
Being shot is honestly, far more humane. (Though any death penalty is unjust, especially considering how many are found innocent after their death.)
Because tankies are just facists in red~
Tankies and facists do genocide, and two thinga can be bad at the same time! Imagine that!
Omg, my cat also yells at me for staying up too late, though she does accept fake bathroom time. I think she knows it’s fake, but she still accepts it
VPN is a scam~ 🥰🥰🥰
Oh wow that’s old now 🥲
yea, preserving deviantart is not a focus like anywhere as far as I know, and hopefully the artist themselves do, but it’s vague. It does match with how historically art has usually been a big job to try and preserve once the artist is dead.
For preserving music (since you mention bandcamp) I recommend supporting your local library; an here’s a list of some US music libraries. https://www.american-music.org/page/Libraries
Most nations do have some type of music archive as well, and it’s not like software which faces legal issues for historical preservation.
No, this is one of the shots in the movie, as part of the whole windu confronting scene
I mean. I’d read that shit. Gimme skimpy armour for both men and women, stop didcriminating ;)