Now they just have to figure out how to grow it, disperse it, and provide shelter and jobs for 20 million brainwashed uneducated drones then they’ll be on their way to their own country soon!
Less starsy, more barsy.
If it’s a tree stump, then something cut it off flat at the top, and I’m far more afraid of that thing than the tree stump.
Gold on the Ceiling, Black Keys
My mouth bones may be broken but my body bones are strong!
Why is all of group 18 good until the bottom? Radioactive or worse?
“Is Ringo the best drummer in the world?”
“Ringo isn’t even the best drummer in the Beatles”- The Beatles
I’d yeehaw if’n twernt so sad.
I used the paper towel method for years but lately I’ve had nothing but problems with it. How long do healthy seeds take before they have germination problems caused by age?
It’s coming any time now, they’re just waiting on a broke crackhead pillow salesman to make some up.
They cannot engineer a stop to the cracking and the leak, only replace the injectors all with new parts, which would cause a backorder millions deep. So the shitty company is saying “the shitty car leaks fuel and we can’t fix it so we made a funnel for gas so you can’t notice if it happens. Also it may be more fire resistant? Good luck!”
He’ll just draw a sharpie circle around himself and declare it seabear-proof.
I can’t wait to see at what the rate per kwH unlimited fusion power is going to be sold to us.
Happiest place in South Dakota, but don’t you dare be gay here.
Duh. Now can we do something about it?
Not the younglings!
TIL big block on bottom, tower no fall over.