Honesty is the key for a long lasting relationship. You did well man
I dunno, but you can skip the boss fight if you bring me some nice food
Counterpoint: I can do the helicopter with my dick
I was just looking for a YouTube frontend alternative to install on a LineageOS device and this post pops up on my feed. Straisand effect at its finest.
Still in university, never did an interview. Is that seriously the avarage difficulty of interview questions?
Genuine question. What is this meme trying to imply?
For those who are wondering, the song is “what we did in the desert” by “eightiesheadachetape”
My brother in Christ I use Firefox
Gonna be honest, I did not see anyone of his paintings
Nah, but it’s just a really convenient joke opportunity. I’m surprised no one mentioned it
Surprised no one mentioned that one austrian painter with the funny moustache
Estimates vary between 30 years old and 7000 years old. Now excuse me but I have a browser history to clear
Yeah I know, I tried (and failed?) to be funny
Objection: appeal to authority + appeal to tradition + I did the fuck with yo mama last night
/s if that’s really necessary