is it a cop out to say assist trophies? i just love seeing all the different reps from different games
is it a cop out to say assist trophies? i just love seeing all the different reps from different games
this was it for me, goodnight everybody
this ones my favorite. silly lil guy
my sister dated a cop from a cop family a couple years ago. she said even long after weed had long been legalized in our state he still had a lot of harmful assumptions he’d make about someone if they smoked weed, along the lines of them just stright up being bad and immoral people, comparing them to more serious and/or violent criminals and vaugly dehumanizing them along with everyone else he saw as a law-breaker.
ultimately as far as I heard he didnt let these judgments significantly impact his work though, never heard a word of him doing anything more corrupt than driving a bit wrecklessly when bored on patrol. I mean I’m sure they did have an impact, but I mean to say he didnt do anything cartoonishly evil about it as long as he and my sister stayed dating.
all good! I dont think I expected any of those entries, sonim glad to have new options to consider!
ohhhhhh lol now it seems so simple I feel a bit dumb for not getting it 😅 thanks for spelling it out for me
yes hello I’m not a grandpa but I am very confused I have never heard this term used for anything but these how did it become derogatory to ftm femboys
ah okay i was worried it was relating to something more specific lol. as for the banjo playing something about the way you described it just put an image in my head of you and the lesbian devil in a banjo competition devil went down to Georgia style, so thats how I’m gonna imagine you forever from now on ¯\(ツ)/¯
Cool! I’d love to hear some entries from that list whenever you narrow it down then, ty!
Not A Trampoline was actually my introduction to the group haha, I actually got into it after looking a little deeper at the shia labouf meme song years ago and realized i liked pretty much his whole album, then years later i was floored to learn he was a part of tally hall, which I learned at the same time I found out tally hall was behind miracle musical! it was a pretty trippy Wikipedia read for me lol.
I didnt know about the Joe howley album but it sounds like it might be what ive been looking for musically so I’d def gonna check that out, thanks for the suggestion!
what kind of star trek video edits? like a “every time riker has rizz” compilation or like something ytp style? or making your own whole narratives from existing star trek content?
how did you get started in rust? I learned c++ for my job and got a little python in during college and since then ive started and abandoned a dozen little projects too lol but rust just seems intimidating to me idk why
I also checked out raddle and I liked thier queer space but I kept seeing people say it was full of fascists or something? idk I kinda stopped keeping track of it when I discovered Lemmy around the time of the first reddit migration. did you ever go back to it? I’d love to hear that it was just propaganda and that actually raddle is just full of cool gay people now
I also felt compelled to reciprocate with an intro for some reason, so you’re not alone lol.
what’s joint mobility? also as a fellow american what kinds of places have you been looking at moving to to escape this hellhole? I’m not part of any groups the current administration is trying to genocide, but my wife’s an immigrant and I’m constantly anxious about things taking a turn and getting much worse very fast. I’m just scared a lot of places i wouldve been excited to move to 4-8 years ago are either out of reach or slowly following in the US’s footsteps (or both) so I’d love to learn about the options youve been considering if thats not too personal!
I saw you mentioned tally hall, have you been down the miracle musical / Hawaii: Part II rabbit hole? its one of my special interests lately, thinking about it really scratches my brain in just the right spot
its cool that you play banjo, never met a banjo player before! what’s your favorite thing to play on it? also what is a disaster lesbian?
if you want a lil adhd special interest info dump ive been hooked on a new videogame called motor town ive played 20+ hours in a week. its essentially a simcade driving game where you can run around freely in an open world and do almost any car related job you can think of, like garbage collection, tow & rescue, logging, taxi service, get away driver, delivering presents for Santa, racecar driver, limo service, off road hauling, etc. thats all awesome on it’s own, but where the game really takes off is when you realize almost every job you do is connected to another job and effects the city/world in some way. like maybe you start out delivering pizzas but over time you realize there aren’t as many pizzas to deliver from the shop and theyre paying less, so you need to rent a truck to deliver cheese & meat to the pizza shop so they can make more & higher quality pizzas, but in order to do that you need to deliver milk to the ranch so they can turn it into cheese, but you can’t deliver milk without pallets so you need to start a logging company and deliver wood from the lumbermill to the warehouse, all so you can make more money on pizzas. And thats just one supply chain out of many that you can choose to optimize or ignore and let NPC’s handle. or you can be like me and just spend 18 hours mindlessly doing towtruck rescues in the starter towtruck while talking with friends or consuming other media, the choice is yours and beyond a set of simple tutorial missions the game really doesnt hold your hand. ive spent the past week since my initial ~20-hours-of-gaming-week learning about proxmox, homelab, vpns, and vps so I can host my own lil motor town server for me and my friends, but I think thats a special interest info dump for another day. hope you liked my wall of text!
are there any controllers besides the old steam controller and maybe the Xbox elite controller that support steam input for extra buttons?
ive been looking for over a year for any affordable controller where I can just map play/pause media and prev/next track to the extra back buttons and ive found nothing