I’m glad that the government is trying to address the issue of social media, but obviously adding warnings isn’t going to do anything.
I think the only way to actually solve the problem would be to regulate the recommendation algorithms to make them less addictive and less harmful.
I don’t know much about GTA, but I have a hard time imagining GTA6 being anything less than a gigantic success. It doesn’t need to be a massive improvement over GTA5, it just needs to be a noticeable upgrade. The only way I can see it failing is if they get too greedy with their live service model, but even then it’s still probably going to sell like 40 million copies in its first year.
Apple could easily do the bare minimum to keep regulators at bay while still keeping the experience as shitty as possible so that Android will continue to look bad. For example they could refuse to implement reactions or typing indicators, or they could even deliberately compress videos. I’m expecting the worst until we see otherwise.
Wtf is that thing next to Shadow
Can you please describe how you do this? I thought Github Copilot can only make changes to the currently open tab? It’s been a few months since I’ve used it, and I’ve only used the Visual Studio version, which I think isn’t as good as the Visual Studio Code version. Has Copilot already gotten to the point where you can tell it to make changes to an entire codebase?
I ran into this issue while researching standing desks recently. There are very few places on the internet where you can find verifiably human-written comparisons between standing desk brands. Comments on Reddit all seem to be written by bots or people affiliated with the brands. Luckily I managed to find a YouTube reviewer who did some real comparisons.
She said it “will only criminalise where you can prove a person created the image with the intention to cause distress”, and this could create loopholes in the law.
This sounds like it would be almost impossible to prove. Anyone can just say “I made the deepfake porn because it turns me on, and I shared it online because I thought other people would enjoy it too.” This law is a good start but I don’t think it goes far enough.
I just recently saw Triangle. Definitely an under-appreciated movie. That one shot after she chases the girl to the top of the ship is S tier horror. Great ending too.
I just subscribe to Rotten Tomatoes Trailers
What game is this from
I don’t see the problem here. Microsoft knows that people will freak out if Bing hallucinates something controversial that people will disagree with. If you care about the accuracy of the information you’re looking for, you should find primary sources, not use AI. AI often gets things wrong.
The hell kind of article is this? Getting stabbed and shot is not a Tik Tok stunt, that’s called murder.
I don’t get it but it’s still funny
I got a Jelly 2 a couple years ago to reduce my smartphone addiction, and I loved it. It runs well and the build quality is great. (I ended up switching back to my normal phone, but that’s not the Jelly 2’s fault. I’m just weak)
What’s with the bit about IQ tests? I haven’t heard of that as a right wing talking point.
How does this affect gaming? I don’t know much about this subject, but my understanding is that games don’t run well on ARM processors unless the game is made to support it natively right?
Wtf this is blowing my mind right now
Both, but mostly the gay part
This may be a dumb question, but does China want Trump or Biden to win? Or are they more interested in just amplifying political/social division?
I remember using ChaCha. Good times