The disambiguation page for Boogaloo is now a bunch of awesome shit like music and dance styles plus an extremist movement…
Fuck you, choose a different name for your whack ass antics.
The disambiguation page for Boogaloo is now a bunch of awesome shit like music and dance styles plus an extremist movement…
Fuck you, choose a different name for your whack ass antics.
I think I just got one a few days ago of the value menu? It had nacho cheese between the soft and hard shells.
Grievous, lots of Jedi doing Jedi things, the hot start with Anakin and Obi-wan going in alone to save the chancellor, did I say Grievous?
If you have graffiti photos we want them here: !
This sounds like the stereotype exactly applies to you.
Good joke if it was one though.
Glad fasting is working for you! Are you confident that you are eating the same number of calories as you were before (even if you are eating the same kinds of foods)?
Do you get all those snacks you used to eat until midnight in before 6:00pm, or do you just eat until full?
That is an excellent point…
Seems fake if the claim is that the realtor saw this at a showing, property, etc. You can see a stall divider in the upper left.
That’s the screenshot from the original post…?