Strike a blow at Tel Aviv
Strike a blow at Tel Aviv
Bombing US bases sounds like a great past-time, wish I could join the fun.
Problem is US doesn’t want to destabilize the sahel region too much, since the junta is not targeting the statesians, but only the french are the ones truly being humiliated. Sure they’ll support as many rebels as possible, but this isn’t a libya situation, since libya got completely ganged up by not only the europeans/americans, but all their neighbours too, it isn’t even a syrian situation either, since all of niger’s neighbours have just recently signed a military alliance, and anti-terrorism shared agency. And niger lacks the political powder keg which was present in these nations.
The french are forever gone from this region, they’ll never return, and there really isn’t the same criteria for some overthrow, since the junta enjoys wide public support.
What can they fight with? Using ECOWAS is no longer option, as the organisation has backed down from any military intervention, so there’s no black nation fighting another black nation. They’re going to invade with their armies?
This is not the 19th or 20th century, European military dominance is long since passed, the French army would be completely humiliated. And the French cannot sustain a war while their very nation’s economy is slowly being suffocated to death.
DPP are ‘social democrats’ of taiwan, but they’re insanely hawkish and war-mongering. Even the Kuomintang doesn’t have the same rabid anti-chinese sentiment as the DPP. In fact the KMT has even called for closer collaboration for the mainland government, so these guys have now fallen out of favour from the western imperialists, and the DPP is also edging closer to fascist apologia and ultranationalism. In short they’re nothing but a puppet party who’ll only dance to the US’s tunes. At least the KMT have some common sense to them.
I do wonder who this ‘edgy teen’ that supports Russia is. Haven’t seen any here.
And you must be new here, news flash we do not like russia either, but we don’t parrot NATO propaganda in order to criticise russia. Talk smack on russia whenever you want, but if you do pull some pro-imperialist gibberish, then don’t be surprised when your called out for it. And yes we do like to see putin’s regime collapse in russia, and an ML soviet government in charge, but we won’t support opportunists, or puppets like Navalny. And before you ask, we do not support ukraine.
Welcome to lemmygrad :).
that’s actually really funny, we’re just ghosting chuds and shitlibs on the daily.
What you want Russia to pre-emptively strike Azerbaijan as well? Jesus fuck you liberals are blood thirsty mongrels. Nice F-35 btw, that shitshow was funny asf. Now piss off
Have you considered the fact these western publications are actually Russian stooges? checkmate lemmygrad.
Interesting how so many nazis have connections with US institutions, after all a Nazi general was the first head of Secretary General of NATO.
We should really disable downvotes on lemmygrad, maybe then these libs will explain their reason why healthcare should be cut in favour of destroying precious US military equipment in the wild fields?
Didn’t the previous communist leader disappear too? I remember reading a few years ago that he was found missing. Probably dead.
The situation in Afghanistan for the soviets and Americans is not really as compatible with each other as people might think. The Soviet Union had to deal with rebels whom were continuously supplied with American weapons, and with some Wahhabi propaganda from the Saudi’s mixed in with some American anti-communist propaganda, you had 10,000s of volunteers fighting against soviet soldiers. The Soviets also fought to keep the entire country secured, even the countryside, which led to high casualties for both soviet soldiers and the mujahedeen.
Whereas the Americans were fighting the taliban, whom were a splinter group from the mujahedeen, and was busy fighting other mujahedeen splinter groups and the ‘democratic forces’ which the US backed, no one supplied weapons to the Taliban, no one single country endorsed ‘jihad’ to fight american occupation unlike the one we saw during the soviet war in Afghanistan. Yet the yanks still lost.
Sick Born bro! Anyways what’s embarrassing about it? Too many words for you to read?
“Despite the new restrictions, Nvidia stated that the licensing requirement does not significantly impact its revenue and that the company is working with the U.S. government to address the issue.”
What this means is Nvidia will get more subsidies due to their lost market share in the middle east, this is bidenomics everyone, just free handouts to corporations. Honestly power to the bloating of the american economy, it’ll crash harder during a recession.
to me Kissinger is just some machine, he was ruthless, barbaric, but very cunning. The other war criminals like George Bush, joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, and even Cheney weren’t nearly as smart or cunning as Kissinger was. It gives me so much satisfaction to see these war-criminals destroy Kissinger’s legacy through their own stupidity. His work, built on the bloods of millions to prop up US imperialism is now collapsing thanks to these war-mongering, unbelievably stupid, imperialist jackals like Nuland and Joe Biden.
People like him do not care in the slightest about their reputation, but when they see the work they built being torn to shreds, it makes them go ballistic. I hope this guy lives long enough to see the collapse of america, it’ll be the ultimate irony.
Most of the ukrainians which fled to russia where the russian-speaking ones. Who were routinely abused and mistreated by the Kiev regime, but I’m wondering when the nationalist banderites of western ukranians will come to their senses, if the russian-speaking people in ukraine are gone (which probably has happened) what stops them from being the new slaves? Nothing, these banderites will learn of their folly in this year and the next.
Not to mention the “democratic” president in custody belongs to a certain arab tribe, which doesn’t even make up 0.1% of the population. This arab tribe was also used by france as foreign mercenaries to beat down any rebellions which happened. This tribe is also immensely rich and powerful. So in sort these guys claim to be democratically elected, but once again the entire democratic process favours this particular group and in return, these guys give wealth to france for them to keep being in power.
Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Argentina all went through this.
What’s with latin america and it’s relation with extreme alt-right parties? You’d think a continent so ravaged by capitalism & imperialism they would opt for left-wing parties?