Do you buy a netflix card and think you won something?
Do you buy a netflix card and think you won something?
Having. A babyface is kinda weird. 20 year olds talk to me like i had any idea what they are talking about. I’m always like: haha yeah no, i’m actually old.
The other day i was standing in line and there was a family behind me. The mom did some Smalltalk with me and just for the fact that they had kids, i talked to her like i would to an old person. Like she was giving me some weird advice for some reason. Then i put one and one together and realised that they had a child when they were 20 and he was now 10-ish and they are actually 10 years younger than me.
Yeah i he’s dropping the 5mil bombshell as if that was mindblowing. 5 million people drink almost as much coffee as 150 million? Craaaazy
We gotta make everything reddit. What does the narwhal bacon here? I vote opossum and curry. Is that le random enough?
That’s the most reddit thing i’ve read in a while
I used to listen to his podcast. It was never the podcast i was really looking forward to, but it was a good filler. I havend listened to it in like a year or two, and i don’t miss it at all. It was kinda just noise after a while.
No one said anything about power.
I watched return of the body snatchers when i was around 8. The movie itself doesn’t scare me anymore at all, but the feeling i had when i had when i had to run home at night still haunts me.
If you crashed your car and fixed it, you still crashed your car.
I love the notion of: we leu us getting scammed by big corporations like good little puppies and WE LIKED IT.
Man, you showed him with your factory farmed bird flue
Yeah but what would we do without disgusting fish in a can?
Did it hurt when you fell down from heaven? Because you look pretty fucked up.
My mom told me that when she was send away to a remote school where she lived with other teens they drenched cotton balls in orange juice and ate that to lose weight. That thought still haunts me.
This is unrelated, but for the longest time i thought thatwhen people talked about amouranth, i thought they talked about that mmo streamer with the filthy room and similar name. I was very confused why everyone wanted to bang him and drink his bathwater.
I really wonder if this is just an average shitty car and dumb people buying it ir something historically stupid. Like in 10 years. Youtubers make top ten videos about the dumbest car ever and on number one they are all like: well, we all know what that is, so we might as well skip it.
Is day drinking slowly but surely becoming a problem? On tinder, wine seems to be the most important thing for most women i see. Or at least in the top 3. A lot of women have like 4 pictures and holding wine in three of them. A lot can not comprehend that i never drink at all.