My S10e is cracked but only all over the backplate. Which is also no longer really attached to the phone. I’m driving this thing into the ground.
My S10e is cracked but only all over the backplate. Which is also no longer really attached to the phone. I’m driving this thing into the ground.
We are all Lysistrata now
Nothing convincingly demonstrates your iron grasp on power like being afraid of pretty plants
Agreed, the drops under the tongue are a lot easier to do at home than the needles. Though I’m not sure about delivery - for whatever reason my allergist always required me to pick them up in person from his office. Not sure if that’s regulation or just a quirk of that one practice.
You are not permitted hot coffee, warm milk, or a yogurt drink. You are permitted 750g of cottage cheese, each day, for a month.
I use a Gen 1 Nissan Leaf as a commuter car that I got for $9k. The average sales price for a new vehicle in general is around $40k these days. Get a used Chevy Bolt would be my recommendation, better range than the Leaf, CCS charging, and the price is probably around $12-14k.
Truly incredible that we are still able to operate and even remotely repair a piece of 1970s technology traveling well outside the heliopause. Remarkable craft with great engineers behind it!
Funny how the Israelis are called “settlers” and the Palestinians are called “terrorists.”
I wish it were longer but the environments look incredible. Fun platforming and puzzles, decent combat too.
Unpopular opinion but the simple fact is that you’re right. Turnout reflects enthusiasm and “status quo” and “you’ll be voting against the other worse guy” simply do not turn out voters.
I’m going to vote, I always vote, but I am deeply concerned about the Democrats’ electoral strategy. Trump promises to blow things up. He’s full of shit and his plans will make everything worse for a lot of people, including his own voters, but the promise of radical change in itself is enticing for a disaffected electorate.
The promise of more of the same is exactly the opposite of what motivates a disaffected electorate. The sometimes-voters will stay home if they aren’t given any reason to be enthusiastic.
They were QuickTime .mov files on the original version. Myst came out six years before Bink video existed.
I work 60 hours a week and had to move an hour outside the city to find a townhouse I could afford. And I’m one of the lucky ones.
Only since 2018. Before then I was born on 1/1/1990.
There is no truth to this. A win in Oregon does not increase or decrease the chances of a future win in Oregon. The probabilities are fully independent of one another. There is no plausible means by which the probability of a future drawing selecting a ticket held in a particular state is affected by the residences of previous winning ticket holders.
The idea that “X just won, therefore X is on a roll and will continue to win” and “X hasn’t won in a long time, therefore X is overdue for a win and should win in the near future” are both examples of the Gambler’s Fallacy.
Yeah but how bout all our Marxist hurricanes that keep hitting the Gulf Coast? Our storms do way more damage than your bourgeois quakes.
But people won’t want to slave away for my megacorp for starvation wages if we pay them not to work!
AI can make any blurry criminal look like George Lucas with the right LoRAs.
Revolver has some of their best songwriting and stands out as a transition record - when they first started to get weird. I go back and forth between that and Abbey Road as their best.
My trans friends are what keeps me committed to voting Biden no matter how disappointed I am in him. Things are already really scary for them right now and I can’t be complicit in making them worse, even through inaction.