Service plans also enable location services and geofencing for wired RPlate users
So some of the plates do have that function built in and you have to pay monthly to use it.
Service plans also enable location services and geofencing for wired RPlate users
So some of the plates do have that function built in and you have to pay monthly to use it.
What’s their policy when someone buys one of these systems from one of these dickheads?
Most likely their policy is the same as the one Microsoft has for their games and consoles. Microsoft once told me, we’re sorry you purchased a banned console but banned consoles cannot be unblocked, buy a new one next time.
I still burn CDs… my ancient vehicle has a multi-disc changer and doesn’t require my phone to be on, so I like having the best quality I can get before I do the burning.
I was already wary of the change from 2D to 3D, then they had a couple of delays and now the main dev is bouncing just before the supposed release, it all looks really bad. This seems to be a wait a year or two and see if Paradox sorts it out kind of title.
They should have taken the lumps on release when they couldn’t keep up with the demand to play and kept the Sony login requirement. It was there on day one but people couldn’t get in to make accounts so they suspended it. That was a mistake if this was going to be mandatory in the end. They also really screwed up by releasing the game in regions that don’t have PSN, how did that even happen is the big question I want to know.
On the other hand, waving it and allowing people to play it without the 3rd party requirement also showed it’s a crappy requirement that doesn’t seem to do much other than annoy people to allow Sony to collect data. Sony also looks like assholes by changing their web page from “login is optional to play Sony titles on PC” to “some games require login.”
Disclaimer here, I have a PSN account because I’ve owned multiple past Sony consoles so I’m not really affected so much, they already lost and sold my data multiple times. For everybody else, I get why they are pissed.
I bought it, but I only have about 9 hours into it so I’m no expert on it, still getting used to it really, part of that “play time” is idle as I do other things while it’s in the background.
Backyard 2 Global!
EWR is still my favorite booking sim. TEW is just too much, but ProWrestling Sim on Steam is showing some promise I think.
I think it’s more they don’t want to pay to upkeep them.
Owen Dreery told arstechnica…
“Even if a game is making no sales they still need to track those numbers, send sales reports to developers, generate international taxation documents for Canadians like me… etc. And who at WB is going to defend these indie games? Adult Swim Games is gone. To me it’s as simple as ‘Let’s get rid of these niche products made by people who no longer work here which I don’t care about.’”
This reeks of the same thing Discovery did when it took control of WB’s television and movie production, they canned completed projects, canceled upcoming stuff, and had TV shows like “Final Space” that were out for years erased, all so they could claim a tax break and pocket those billions. What a bunch of frelling bastards.
Reddit doesn’t have much of a choice than to fight this. If they roll over and give out the data every other studio will want the same treatment. Which likely would also involve the Authors Guild and RIAA as well wanting info on posts.
They would certainly like to maintain the posters and the data they bring by blocking this, but if push comes to shove, the posters are going to get hosed to save the stock.