This is what makes Musk’s B-line towards Nazi stardom so strange to me. Like, did he think Nazis were suddenly going to start buying electric cars? They literally put nuts on their trucks right next to their bumper stickers using homosexual slurs to describe electric vehicles, all while “rolling coal” in front of every Tesla they see on the road.
These are the people you want to market to?
And at the expense of your existing market?
Dude’s living in Model S days
Trump media stock was fun to watch too up until he won. I mean it’s still going to crash and burn, but the election bought him some time.
No no no - only paywalled, ad-supported, doomsday prep and gold bullion-slinging, enshittified news outlets are “free press”. Honestly, if you’re not creating value for shareholders, can you even consider yourself a journalist?
I heard recently that the word “meritocracy” was originally coined to mean the opposite of how you’re using it. As a sort of ironic codeword where there shouldn’t have to be a word because that’s how it is supposed to work. As in - when the CEO’s son gets a VP job right out of high school, chalk it up to “meritocracy”.
Not disagreeing with your sentiment, I just thought that was interesting. Enjoy your day!
It’s possible you’ll read articles critical of those decisions written by the WSJ. They’re likely to be written in such a way as to not criticize Trump directly, but the message will likely be clear: government and taxes=bad.
This has actually always been the case. Iirc, AWS was the only profitable piece of Amazon for years. The retail and consumer services arms will never catch up.
Ugh but then I’d have to use Facebook
Pay no mind to the obvious troll/Russian boy/Republican (I mean who can tell the difference these days)
Yeah but also a significant number of them might die off due to preventable illness and poverty, so the scales might have a chance to tip back in the other direction.
Electric cars are a different beast. Also, since the auto bailouts, American cars have pretty much caught up with their foreign competitors in regards to reliability. Absent some damning reviews and boneheaded recalls, I’d focus mostly on pricing at this point.
Eh, I have a Chevy Bolt and I love it.
Joke’s on you - I do this already. Porn and all
I second this - though I agree that it definitely isn’t universal. Especially given that I’m exactly the opposite - I welcome critique and improvements to anything I write because I love learning and improving.
See, the guy is better prepared for carrying cash than I am. Here you go
It’s just trucks all the way down
Sincere question - do all meat-eating cultures have popular dishes where the meat is ground up?